
The jlogmonitor command can be used to monitor potential problems with the jlogdup process. It will report errors when specific trigger events occur. jlogmonitor can be run in the foreground but will usually be run as a background process (using the standard –Jb option).



jlogmonitor {-h|?} {-ccmd} {-Cnn} {-Dnn} {-E} {-Inn) {-Snn}



Option Description
-ccmd The command cmd is executed when an error occurs.
-Cnn If the file system utilization of the journal log exceeds nn% full then an error message is displayed. The error message is repeated for every 1% increase in file system utilization.
-Dnn If no records are processed by a jlogdup process (or if there is no jlogdup process active), then after nn minutes of inactivity an error message is displayed. The error message is repeated every nn minutes the jlogdup process(es) are inactive.
-E If the jlogdup program reports an error, this option causes jlogmonitor to also display an error. The actual nature of the error can only be viewed by either looking at the screen where the jlogdup process is active, or by listing the jlogdup error message file (assuming the –eERRFILE option was used).
-h display help
-lnn The status of the journaler can be ACTIVE , INACTIVE or SUSPENDED. Should the status of the journaler be set to either INACTIVE or SUSPENDED (with jlogadmin) for more than nn minutes, then an error message will be displayed. The error message will be repeated every nn minutes that the journaler is not active
-Snn This option is used to determine if any updates are being applied to the journal logs. If there are no updates applied to the current journal log set for nn minutes then an error message is displayed. The error message is repeated for every nn minutes that the system is inactive.



At least one of the options, -C, -D, -E, -I or -S, must be specified.



jlogmonitor –c"MESSAGE * %"

The command "MESSAGE * %" is executed for every message sent to the screen by jlogdup. The use of % is specially interpreted by the jlogmonitor program and will be replaced with the error message.

Transaction Journaling