
The jlogadmin command is provided for administration of the jBASE Transaction Journal. The jlogadmin command must be executed as the super user/Administrator to be interactive otherwise the data is available as read-only. Administration tasks can also be with the jlogadmin command by invoking options from the command line.



jlogadmin -options



Option Description
-a status Set status On/Active, Off/InActive, or Susp/Suspend
-c Create file in log set if does not exist. ( use with -f )
-f set,fileno,file Change log filename in log set where
set log set
fileno File number
file File name
-h Display help
-i[1-4]filename{,filename...} {-o} Import a log set to override one of the 4 standard log sets. The -o argument is optional. If used it suppresses the warning and confirmation message. Up to 16 filenames can be specified to define the imported log set.
 (assuming the log files were called /jlog/logfile1 - /jlog/logfile16 to be imported into logset 4)
The format of the command would be:   
jlogadmin -i4/jlog/logfile1,/jlog/logfile2,/jlog/logfile3...,/jlog/logfile16
-k pid | * | ? Kill jlogdup process ‘pid’ or ‘*’ all or ‘?’ to list.
-l num | next | eldest Switch to log set where
num log set number 1-4
next next sequential log set
eldest latest log set
-n program Set threshold notify program.
-o Perform operation without checking if the specified log set is empty. Used with -f and -t.
-s secs Set synchronization period.
-tn Truncates log set n. The log set may not be the current switched set. This option ensures that disk space will be freed and is sometimes preferable to "rm" which may not free the disk space if any process still has log files open.
-w pp, ii, ss Set threshold where
pp initial warning percent
ii every percent after initial percent
ss every second after initial percent
-x status Set extended log record ON or OFF
-C Clear transaction journal administration log file jediLoggerAdminLog.
-V View transaction journal administration log file jediLoggerAdminLog.



When the jlogadmin command is executed interactively, the next field can be accessed using the tab key. Each field can be modified using the same editor type commands as available at the jsh. For the change to become effective, press ENTER. To exit from interactive mode use CTRL-X.

Before starting the transaction journal all the files or partitions to be used in the required log sets should be configured. There are four log sets available and each set would typically be used in rotation on a daily basis. For instance log set 1 would be used on Day 1, log set 2 on Day 2 on so on.

Once the required transaction log sets have been configured then the transaction journal active log set should be switched to set number 1 and the log status changed to ‘active’.



                    jBASE Transaction Journal Configuration

Status :              ACTIVE              Current switched log set : 0
Extended records :    OFF                 Time between log file syncs : 10
Log notify program :  (undefined)
Warning threshold :   70 % , thereafter every 1 % or 300 secs

                    File definitions for log set 1
1 :/home/jbasedev/fb01                2 :/home/jbasedev/fb02
3 :/home/jbasedev/fb03                4 :/home/jbasedev/fb04
5 :/home/jbasedev/fb05                6 :/home/jbasedev/fb06
7 :/home/jbasedev/fb07                8 :/home/jbasedev/fb08
9 :/home/jbasedev/fb09                10:/home/jbasedev/fb10
11:/home/jbasedev/fb11                12:/home/jbasedev/fb12
13:/home/jbasedev/fb13                14:/home/jbasedev/fb14
15:/home/jbasedev/fb15                16:/home/jbasedev/fb16

Use the cursor keys and tab keys to move around the screen. The fields can be
edited using jed/jsh style editing commands. When a field is changed, press
ENTER to execute the change, or CTRL<R> to cancel change and redraw screen.
CTRL<X> will exit this utility.
Press RETURN to continue :

The status of the journal can be set to ACTIVE, INACTIVE or SUSPENDED. Synonyms for these are ON, OFF and SUSP respectively.

Specifies the current transaction journal status. The status can be On/Active, Off/InActive or Susp/Suspended.

Current switch log set
Specifies the current log set in use.

Extended records
Specifies additional information, the application id, the tty name and the login name are to be logged in the jBASE transaction journal.

Time between log file syncs
Specifies the number of seconds between each synchronization of the log set with the disk. Synchronization of the log set means that all memory used by the log set is force flushed to disk. This periodic flushing means that should the system crash, the maximum amount of possible data loss is limited to the updates, which occurred since the last log set synchronization.

Log notify program
Specifies the program to execute when the warning threshold of the log set is reached.
The log notify program is called every time a message is written to jediLoggerAdminLog. You can capture the text of the message by adding arguments to the command line which the notify program can examine using SENTENCE(). For example the program could be defined as:
    /usr/admin/bin/lognotify '%1' '%2' '%3'
and when the program is loaded, we substitute:

%1 == {INFORMATION: | WARNING: | FATAL ERROR:} From user root at Wed Sep 04 12:38:23 2002
%2 == Process ID 12345 , Port 23 , tty /dev/pts/03
%3 == Depends upon the actual error message e.g. "Error number nnn while reading from file /dev/xxxxx"

Note that the message is designated INFORMATION, WARNING or FATAL ERROR. This designation can be used by the log notify program to decide on a course of action. The messages that can be logged are:

Type Message StdOut
INFORMATION Log set changed to s Yes
Log set s truncated Yes
File f for log set s REMOVED Yes
File f for log set n changed to newfilename Yes
n files imported to log set n (see -i option) Yes
Status of logger set to status (current log set s) Yes
Sync count changed from every n1 seconds to every n2 seconds Yes
Log file warning threshold set to p initial percentage thereafter every additional q percent or n seconds Yes
Admin. Log Notify Program now set to program Yes
Admin. Log Notify Program REMOVED Yes
Extended Record Status now set to on|off Yes
Log set switch detected, was set n1, now set n2 No
Kill initiated on jlogdup process id pid : Process id pid from port n Yes
First record read from set n Yes
Termination Statistics: usr x , sys y , elapsed z
r records read from current log set number n : r records, b blocks, rb record bytes , e errors in file
WARNING Journal Log Files now at p% capacity No
FATAL ERROR Unable to open logger configuration file filename Yes
Sync demon appears to have died prematurely Yes
Error number errno while reading from file filename No
Error number errno while writing to log file No
Error errno while writing to log journal file filename" Yes
Error errno while writing to log journal Yes
Unable to open logger file filename Yes
Out of memory to log update Yes

Warning threshold
If the amount of space consumed in the file system that the active logset resides on exceeds the specified threshold, the log notify program is run. Individual files in a logset have a capacity of 2GB. If the logsets are not switched, files in a logset can grow to the 2GB limit without the file system reaching the threshold capacity. If this happens, journaling will cease to function predictably and normal database updates may fail.

File definitions
Specify each file or partition used for the current log set.

Transaction Journaling