The WRITEV statement allows a program to write a specific field of a record in a previously opened file.



WRITEV variable1 ON|TO {variable2,} expression1, expression2 {SETTING setvar} {ON ERROR statements}



variable1 is the identifier holding the record to be written.
variable2, if specified, should be a jBC variable that has previously been opened to a file using the OPEN statement. If variable2 is not specified then the default file is assumed.
expression1 should evaluate to a valid record key for the file.
expression2 should evaluate to a positive integer number. If the number is greater than the number of fields in the record, null fields will be added to variable1. If expression2 evaluates to a non-numeric argument, a run time error will be generated.
If the SETTING clause is specified and the write fails, setvar will be set to one of the following values:

Incremental File Errors

128 No such file or directory
4096 Network error
24576 Permission denied
32768 Physical I/O error or unknown error



The WRITEV statement will cause any lock held on the record by this program to be released. If you wish to retain a lock on the record you should do so explicitly with the WRITEVU statement.



OPEN "Customers" ELSE ABORT 201, "Customers"
OPEN "DICT Customers" TO DCusts ELSE
    ABORT 201, "DICT Customers"
WRITEV Rec ON DCusts, "Xref",7 Setting Err ON ERROR
    CRT "I/O Error[":Err:"]"