jBC Statements and Functions
@ function Cursor and screen manipulation.
ABORT statement Program termination.
ABS function Returns absolute value.
ABSS function Returns absolute value of elements in a dynamic array
ADDS function Adds corresponding elements in two dynamic arrays.
ALPHA function Returns Boolean result for alphabetic check.
ANDS function Create a dynamic array of logical AND of corresponding elements from two arrays.
ASCII function EBCDIC to ASCII conversion function.
ASSIGNED function Returns Boolean result for variable assignment.
BITAND function Performs a bitwise AND comparison of two integers.
BITCHANGE function Toggles the state of the specified bit.
BITCHECK function Returns the current value of the specified bit.
BITLOAD function Assigns values in the local bit table.
BITNOT function Returns the bitwise negation of an integer specified by a numeric expression.
BITOR function Performs a bitwise OR comparison of two integers.
BITRESET function Resets the value of the specified bit.
BITSET function Sets the value of the specified bit.
BITTEST function Tests the bit number of the integer specified by an expression.
BITXOR function Performs a bitwise XOR comparison of two integers.
BREAK statement Break key manipulation. Loop Termination.
BYTELEN function returns the length of the expression as the number of bytes rather than the number of characters.
CALL statement Transfer of program execution to an external subroutine.
CALLC statement Transfer of program to an external C function.
CALLdotNET statement Call a .NET assembly
CALLJ statement Call a JAVA method
CALLONEXIT function specifies the name of a subroutine to call when the program terminates
CASE statement Conditional branching.
CATS function Concatenates corresponding elements in two dynamic arrays.
CHAIN statement Transfer of process control.
CHANGE statement Sub-string replacement.
CHANGE function Sub-string replacement.
CHANGE function Adjust existing time stamp to return new timestamp value.
CHAR function Returns the ASCII equivalent of a numeric expression.
CHARS function Returns the ASCII equivalents of the numeric expressions in a dynamic array.
CHDIR function Changes the current directory.
CHECKSUM function Returns numeric checksum for the supplied expression.
CLEAR statement Initializes all variables to zero.
CLEARCOMMON statement Initializes all unnamed common variables to a value of zero.
CLEARDATA statement Clears data that has been stacked by the DATA statement.
CLEARFILE statement Clears all the data from a file.
CLEARINPUT statement Clears the type-ahead buffer.
CLEARSELECT statement Clears active select lists.
CLOSE statement Closes a previously opened file.
CLOSESEQ statement Closes a previously opened sequential file.
COL1 / COL2 functions Position determination subsequent to use of the FIELD function.
COLLECTDATA statement Retrieves data passed from the PASSDATA clause of an EXECUTE statement
COMMON statement Declares a list of variables and matrices that can be shared among programs.
COMPARE function Compares two strings.
CONTINUE statement Used to skip code in a loop.
CONVERT function Converts a character string to another.
CONVERT statement Converts a character string to another.
COS function Returns the cosine of an angle.
COUNT function Returns the number of times that one string occurs in another.
COUNTS function Counts the number of times a substring is repeated in each element of a dynamic array.
CREATE statement Creates a record in a jBASE directory file or creates a UNIX/DOS file.
CRT statement Outputs data to the terminal.
DATA statement Stores data for stacked input.
DATE function Returns the date in internal form.
DCOUNT function Counts the number of elements in a string separated by a specified delimiter.
DEBUG statement Passes control to the jBC debugger.
DECRYPT function Decodes an encrypted string.
DEFC statement Declares an external C function to the jBC compiler.
DEFCE statement Calls an external C program that does not require use of jBASE library macro's and functions.
DEFFUN statement Declares an external jBC function to the jBC compiler.
DEL statement Removes a specified element from a dynamic array.
DELETE statement Deletes a record from a file.
DELETELIST statement Deletes a stored list.
DELETESEQ statement Deletes a sequential file.
DELETEU statement Deletes a record without releasing update locks.
DIMENSION statement Declares fixed length arrays to the compiler.
DIR function Returns information about a file.
DISPLAY statement Outputs data to the terminal.
DIVS function Divides corresponding elements in two dynamic arrays.
DIV function Calculates the value of the quotient after division of the dividend by the divisor.
DOWNCASE function Converts all uppercase characters in an expression to lowercase.
DQUOTE function Encloses a value in double quotation marks.
DROUND function Performs double-precision rounding on a value.
DTX function Returns the hexadecimal representation of a decimal expression.
DYNTOXML function Converts a dynamic array to XML.
EBCDIC function Converts a string value from ASCII to EBCDIC.
ECHO statement Turns on or off the echoing of characters typed at the keyboard.
ENCRYPT function Encrypts strings.
END statement Designates the end of a program or subroutine.
ENTER statement Unconditionally passes control to another executable program.
EQUATE statement Declares a symbol equivalent to a literal, variable or simple expression.
EQS function Tests if elements of one dynamic array are equal to the elements of another dynamic array.
EREPLACE function Replace substring in an expression with another substring.
EXECUTE statement Allows execution of other programs and commands.
EXIT statement Halts the execution of a program.
EXP function Returns the mathematical constant e to the specified power.
EXTRACT function Archaic method of extracting elements from a dynamic array.
FADD function Performs addition on two floating point numbers.
FDIV function Performs division on two floating point numbers.
FIELD function Returns one or more delimited fields from a string.
FIELDS function Returns a dynamic array of delimited fields from a dynamic array of strings.
FILEINFO function Returns information on a specified file variable
FILELOCK statement Attempts to lock an entire file for exclusive use by this program.
FIND statement Finds the location of a specified string within a dynamic array.
FINDSTR statement Finds the location of a specified string within a dynamic array.
FMT function Formats a string to a specified pattern.
FMTS function Formats the elements of a dynamic array for output.
FMUL function Performs multiplication on two floating point numbers.
FOLD function Re-delimits a specified string with attribute marks.
FOOTING statement Defines a footing to be included at the bottom of an output page.
FORMLIST statement Creates an active select list from a dynamic array.
FOR statement Defines the start of a fixed increment loop construct.
FSUB function Performs subtraction on two floating point numbers.
FUNCTION statement Declares a user-defined function.
GES function Compares corresponding elements in two dynamic arrays.
GET statement Gets input from an opened serial device.
GETCWD function Returns the name of the current working directory.
GETENV function Determines the value of the specified environment variable.
GETLIST statement Retrieves a previously stored list.
GOSUB statement Causes execution of a local subroutine.
GOTO statement Causes program execution to jump to the code at a specified label.
GROUP function Returns one or more delimited fields from a string.
GROUPSTORE statement Replaces one group of characters in a string with another group of characters.
HEADING statement Defines a heading to be included at the top of an output page.
HEADINGE statement Defines a heading to be included at the top of an output page and ejects the page.
HEADINGR statement Defines a heading to be included at the top of an output page and suppresses the page eject.
HUSH statement Turns on or off the echoing of characters typed at the keyboard.
ICONV function Converts data in external format to internal format.
ICONVS function Converts elements of a dynamic array to internal format.
IF statement Allows conditional execution of statements.
IFS function returns a dynamic array whose elements are chosen individually from one of two arrays based on the contents of a third array.
IN statement Gets raw data from the input device.
INCLUDE statement Includes code from other files.
INDEX function Returns the position of a character or characters within another string.
INDICES function Returns information about a file's secondary index.
INMAT function Returns the number of dimensioned array elements.
INPUT statement Gets data from the input device.
INPUTCLEAR statement Clears the type-ahead buffer.
INPUTNULL statement Allows null input to be seen by the INPUT statement.
INS statement Allows the insertion of elements into a dynamic array.
INSERT function Allows the insertion of elements into a dynamic array.


function Truncates a numeric value to the nearest integer.
IOCTL function Returns file information.
ISALPHA function Checks that an expression consists entirely of alphabetic characters.
ISALNUM function Checks that an expression consists entirely of alphanumeric characters.
ISCNTRL function Checks that an expression consists entirely of control characters.
ISDIGIT function Checks that an expression consists entirely of numeric characters.
ISPRINT function Checks that an expression consists entirely of printable characters.
ISSPACE function Checks that an expression consists entirely of space type characters.
ISUPPER function Checks that an expression consists entirely of upper case characters.
JBASECOREDUMP function Dumps a portion of the application to an external file for later analysis.
JBASETHREADCreate command Starts a thread.
JBASETHREADStatus command Shows the status of all running threads.
JQLCOMPILE statement Compiles a jQL statement.
JQLEXECUTE statement Executes a compiled jQL statement
JQLFETCH statement Fetches the next result in a compiled jQL statement.
JQLGETPROPERTY statement Gets the property of a compiled jQL statement.
JQLPUTPROPERTY statement Sets a property in a compiled jQL statement.
KEYIN function Reads a single character from the input buffer and returns it.
LATIN1 function Converts a UTF-8 byte sequence to it's Binary or Latin equivalent.
LEFT function Extracts the first n characters from a string.
LEN function Returns the character length of an expression.
LENS function Returns a dynamic array of the number of bytes in each element of a dynamic array.
LENDP function Returns the display length of and expression.
LES function Determines whether elements of one dynamic array are less than or equal to the corresponding element in another dynamic array.
LN function Returns the value of the natural logarithm of a supplied expression.
LOCALDATE function Returns an internal date using the specified Timestamp and TimeZone combination.
LOCALTIME function Returns and internal time using the specified Timestamp and TimeZone combination.
LOCATE statement Finds the position of an element in a specified dimension of a dynamic array.
LOCK statement Sets an execution lock.
LOOP statement Defines the start of a loop construct.
LOWCASE function Converts all uppercase characters in an expression to lowercase.
LOWER function Lowers delimiters in a string to their next lowest value.
MAKETIMESTAMP function Generates a Timestamp using internal date, time and timezone.
MAXIMUM function Returns the highest numerical value in a dynamic array.
MAT statement Array element assignment.
MATBUILD statement Creates a dynamic array from a dimensioned array.
MATCHES function Allows pattern matching to be applied to an expression.
MATCHFIELD function Checks a string against a match pattern.
MATPARSE statement Assigns the elements of a dynamic array to a dimensioned array.
MATREAD statement Reads a record and maps the elements into a dimensioned array.
MATREADU statement Reads and locks a record and maps the elements into a dimensioned array.
MATWRITE statement Transfers the contents of a dimensioned array to a specified record on disc.
MATWRITEU statement Transfers the contents of a dimensioned array to a specified record on disc and preserves locks.
MINIMUM function Returns the lowest numerical value in a dynamic array.
MOD function Returns the arithmetic modulo of two numeric expressions.
MODS function Creates a a dynamic array from the remainder of the division of the elements in two dynamic arrays.
MSLEEP statement Pauses program execution for a specified number of milliseconds.
MULS function Divides corresponding elements in two dynamic arrays.
NEG function Returns the inverse of a value.
NEGS function Returns the negative values for the elements of a dynamic array.
NES function Determines whether the elements of one dynamic array are equal to the corresponding elements in another dynamic array.
NOBUF statement Turns off buffering for a file opened for sequential processing.
NOT function Inverts the Boolean value of an expression.
NOTS function Returns a dynamic array of the logical complement of the elements of a dynamic array.
NULL statement Does nothing.
NUM function Returns Boolean true if the supplied value is numeric.
NUMS function Determines whether the elements of a dynamic array are numeric.
OBJEXCALLBACK statement Communicates with a calling OBjEX program.
OCONV function Converts data in internal format to external format.
OCONVS function Converts the elements of a dynamic array to external format.
ONGOSUB/ONGOTO statements Transfers program execution to a label based upon a calculation.
OPEN statement Opens a file or device to a descriptor variable.
OPENDEV statement Opens a file or device for sequential reading and/or writing.
OPENINDEX statement Opens a specific index definition for a file.
OPENPATH statement Opens a file given an absolute or relative path.
OPENSEQ statement Opens a file for sequential reading and/or writing.
OPENSER statement Opens a device for serial IO.
ORS function Creates a dynamic array of the logical OR of the corresponding elements of two dynamic arrays.
OSBREAD statement Reads an OS file from a file opened.
OSBWRITE statement Writes an OS file to an file opened.
OSCLOSE statement Closes a previously opened OS file.
OSDELETE statement Deletes an OS file.
OSOPEN statement Opens an OS file for processing.
OSREAD statement Reads an OS file.
OSWRITE statement Writes an OS file.
OUT statement Sends raw characters to the current output device.
PAGE statement Causes the current output device to page.
PAUSE statement Allows processing to be suspended until an external event occurs.
PERFORM statement Allows execution of other programs and commands.
PRECISION statement Defines the number of digits of precision to be subsequently used.
PRINT statement Sends data to the current output device.
PRINTER statement Controls the destination of output from the PRINT statement.
PRINTERR statement Prints standard jBASE error messages.
PROCREAD statement Retrieves data passed from a jCL program to a jBC program.
PROCWRITE statement Passes data back to the primary input buffer of a calling jCL program.
PROGRAM statement Documents source code.
PROMPT statement Defines the prompt characters used by INPUT.
PUTENV function Sets environment variables for the current process.
PWR function Raises a number to a specified power.
QUOTE function Encloses a value in double quotation marks.
RAISE function Raises delimiters in a string to their next highest value.
READ statement Reads a record from an opened file into a variable.
READBLK statement Reads a block of data from a sequential file.
READL statement Reads a record and takes a read-only shared record lock.
READLIST statement Retrieves a previously stored list.
READNEXT statement Retrieves the next element in a list variable.
READNEXT statement Moves forward through an index.
READPREV statement Moves backward through an index.
READSEQ statement Reads data from a file opened for sequential access.
READT statement Reads tape devices.
READU statement Reads a record from an opened file into a variable respecting locks.
READV statement Reads a field from a record in an opened file into a variable.
READVU statement Reads a field from a record in an opened file into a variable respecting locks.
READXML statement Reads a record from a file and transforms to XML format.
RECORDLOCKED function Returns the status of a record lock.
REGEXP function Pattern matching with regular expressions.
RELEASE statement Releases record locks.
REM function Returns the arithmetic modulo of two numeric expressions.
REMOVE function Successively extracts delimited strings from a dynamic array.
REPLACE function Archaic method of replacing elements in dynamic arrays.
RETURN statement Transfers execution to the caller of a subroutine/function or to a specific label in a program.
REWIND statement Issues a rewind command to attached device.
RIGHT function Extracts the last n characters from a string.
RND function Generates a random number.
RQM statement Pauses execution.
RTNDATA statement return specific data to the RTNDATA clause of another program's EXECUTE.
SADD function Performs string addition.
SDIV function Performs string division.
SEEK statement Moves a file pointer.
SELECT statement Creates a select list of elements in a specified variable.
SELECT statement Creates a select list of elements based on on a secondary index.
SELECTINDEX statement Creates a dynamic array of keys based on a single selection of an index key.
SEND statement Sends output to a device.
SENTENCE function Returns the command used to invoke a program and the arguments it was given.
SEQ function Returns the numeric ASCII value of a character.
SEQS function Converts a dynamic array of ASCII characters to their numeric string equivalents.
SIN function Returns the sine of an angle.
SLEEP statement Pauses program execution for a specified number of seconds or until a specified time.
SMUL function Performs string multiplication.
SORT function Sorts a dynamic array.
SOUNDEX function Converts strings to their phonetic equivalents.
SPACE function Generates strings of spaces.
SPACES function Generates a dynamic array with elements comprising of blank spaces.
SPLICE function Creates a dynamic array from the element by element concatenation of two dynamic arrays.
SPOOLER function Returns spooler information.
SQRT function Returns the square root of a number.
SQUOTE function Encloses a value in single quotation marks.
SSELECT statement Creates a select list
SSUB function Performs string subtraction.
STATUS function Determines cause of a file open failure.
STATUS statement Determine status of open file.
STOP function Program termination.
STR function Performs string duplication.
STRS function Generates a dynamic array containing the specified number of repetitions of each element of a dynamic array
SUBROUTINE statement Declares an external subroutine.
SUBS function Subtracts corresponding elements in two dynamic arrays.
SUBSTRINGS function Returns sub-strings of elements from a dynamic array.
SUM function Sums elements of a dynamic array.
SYSTEM function Returns system information.
SWAP function Sub-string replacement.
TAN function Returns the tangent of an angle.
TIME function Returns the current system time.
TIMEDATE function Returns the current time and date.
TIMEDIFF function Returns the interval between two timestamps as a dynamic array.
TIMEOUT function Terminates a READBLK or READSEQ statement.
TIMESTAMP function Returns a UTC timestamp as decimal seconds.
TRANS function Retrieves a field from a file.
TRANSABORT statement Aborts and reverses the current transaction.
TRANSQUERY function Used to determine if currently in a transaction.
TRANSTART statement Marks the beginning of a transaction.
TRANSEND statement Marks the end of a successfully completed transaction.
TRIM function Removes characters from a string.
TRIMB function Removes trailing blanks.
TRIMBS function Removes trailing spaces and tabs from elements of a dynamic array.
TRIMF function Removes leading blanks.
TRIMFS function Removes leading spaces and tabs from elements of a dynamic array.
UNASSIGNED function Returns Boolean result for variable assignment.
UNIQUEKEY function Returns a unique 16-byte character key.
UNLOCK statement Releases a previously locked execution lock.
UPCASE function Converts all lowercase characters in an expression to uppercase.
UTF8 function Converts a latin1 or binary string into the UTF-8 equivalent byte sequence.
WAKE statement Wakes a suspended process which has executed a pause statement.
WEOF statement Writes an end of file mark on an attached tape device.
WEOFSEQ statement Writes end of file mark on a file opened for sequential access.
WRITE statement Writes a record to a previously opened file.
WRITEBLK statement Writes a block of data to a file opened for sequential processing.
WRITELIST statement Writes a list to the stored list file.
WRITESEQ statement Writes data  to a file opened for sequential access.
WRITET statement Writes data to a tape device.
WRITEU statement Writes a record to a previously opened file preserving locks.
WRITEV statement Writes a record field to a previously opened file.
WRITEVU statement Writes a record field to a previously opened file preserving locks.
WRITEXML function Writes an XML record to a hashed file.
XLATE function Retrieves a field from a file.
XMLTODYN function Converts XML to a dynamic array.
XMLTOXML function Transforms XML using an XSL
XTD function Returns the decimal representation of a hexadecimal expression.

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