sysmenumain provides container based support for menu based objects.
sysobjects (sysmenumain) |
Field |
Description |
Information |
Security Groups | ||
Module | ||
<2> | Description | |
<10.1> |
Menu prompt | This field allows the developer to specify the text that will get displayed on the page. |
<10.2> | Menu icon | This field allows the developer to specify an alternative icon to the default that will get displayed for this menu item. |
<10.3> | Mouse over message | This is the message that will be displayed when the user moves the mouse over the menu item. |
<10.4> | Target frame | This is the frame that the html returned by actioning the menu prompt will be displayed in. |
<10.5> | Creation subroutine | This is specifies a subroutine to use to create the new menu items. |
<10.6> | Menu parameter | The value stored here will be available in syssubparm when a Creation Subroutine is specified. It can be used to parameterise the way a menu displays. |
<10.7> | Highlight items | When set, the item last clicked on will stay highlighted. |