
The sysitem common block grouping is stored at the user interaction level. This means that items stored within sysitem are available only for the duration of a single interaction.


Contains the session number. This value is re-loaded for each page interaction.


If set to 1 (which is the default), the system automatically generates the "content-type: text/html" mime type header. If "sysleadin" is set to 0, then the developer is responsible for the insertion of user defined mime type headers.




Used during the trigger phase of page interactions. This common item contains the associated multi-value position for triggers, where the trigger is dependant on a multi-valued field.


Used in conjunction with sysvalpos. This item contains the dependant field position of a trigger.


Used during the trigger phase of page interactions, where the trigger object is an image submit object. The item contains the x pixel position of the mouse cursor at the time of the image click event. The x position is measured relative to the top left of the image.


Used during the trigger phase of page interactions, where the trigger object is an image submit object. The item contains the y pixel position of the mouse cursor at the time of the image click event. The y position is measured relative to the top left of the image.


Used during the page build phase of page interactions. This item contains the object id as stored within the sysobjects file.


Used during the page build phase of page interactions. This item contains the object record for an object under construction.


Used during the page build phase of page interactions. This item contains the multi-value number of an object that has been specified as being dependant on a field.


Used during the page build phase of page interactions. This item is used in conjunction with the sysbldval item and contains the dependant field position for an object under construction.


Contains the session number of the session that launched the current session. This item can be used for frame or window applications for low-level control and communications between window/frame sessions.


Used during the page build phase of page interactions. If this item is set to 1 then a message box containing the text "An error occurred" will be displayed to the user. The syserr item is set to 0 by default.


Used during the page build phase of page interactions. This item is similar to the syserr item, but allows user defined error messages to be displayed in message boxes at page display time.


This item is used for both the trigger and page build phases of page interactions. The item contains any string parameter information passed to subroutine objects, trigger subroutines and manual triggers.


Used during the page build phases of page interactions. The item contains any string parameter information passed to pre and post page subroutines.


This item is used for the sending of e-mail through the AutoMail solution. Common block equates are provided for setting values within sysemail in preparation for a call to the sysemail subroutine. These equates are:


This item contains a field mark delimited list of the groups that the current user belongs to. This item is used by the system for object security management.


Contains the entire user record as stored within the sysusers file. The item is stored within the common block so as to avoid excessive reads for user information.


If set, this item will instruct the page build subroutine (syscreate) to leave out the hidden session fields.


Used during the page build phases of page interactions. Contains a field-delimited list of the container objects that have been called up until this point.


Used during the page build phases of page interactions. If set to 1, this item bypasses table header and footer generation.


Used during both the trigger and page compilation phases, this item contains either the page initiating the trigger, or the page being constructed.


Used during both the trigger and page compilation phases, this item contains either the sequence number of the page initiating the trigger, or the sequence number of the page being constructed.


If set to 1, this item instructs the page compilation routine to insert data aware field defaults. The sysdefault item is set to a value of 0 by default and after any page construction.


Stores the sequence number of the previous page. Used internally.


Used internally.


Used to provide levels of inheritance for anchor result targets. This variable carries any target name specified in higher-level menus, down to the lower level menus. It is overridden and restored for sub-menus with their own targets.


Stores the menu indent level. As each sub menu is called, this value is incremented by 1. Used by the system and for dynamically created menus.


As each menu block is added to the menuing system, regardless of indent order, this variable is incremented. It is used by the system to associate unique sequential identifiers to each menu item. Used by the system and for dynamically created menus.


As each sub menu is called, this variable is appended to. It contains a field mark delimited list of menu names that have given rise to the menu currently under construction. Used for dynamically created menus.


Used to determine which primary menu item (iteration) called the menu that is currently under construction. Used for dynamically created menus.


If a highlight option has been chosen, this item contains the highlight option for all subsequent calls to contained menu items.


Used internally to store the default language for the current session.


Used internally to control page security


This item is used for the sending and receiving of textual data through a TCP/IP socket connection. Common block equates are provided for setting values within syssock in preparation for a call to the syssocket subroutine. These equates are:

syssockhost Hostname or IP-Address of server
syssockport  TCP/IP port to connect to on the server
syssocktimeout  Timeout in seconds for this interaction
syssockout  Data to send to the server
syssockin  Result received from the server
syssockerr  Error Code / Description (Contains the numeric value "0" if there were no errors)

NOTE - syssock<syssockin> and syssock<syssockout> have been
replaced with the driect common block equates, syssockin
and syssockout.


This item is used for the reading and writing of external configuration data. This is usually used to interface with external applications. For the sake of consistency over operating systems we refer to this storage as the registry. In Windows NT/2000 the items refer to actual registry paths, and in UNIX environments, they refer to files on the file system. Common block equates are provided for setting values within sysreg in preparation for a call to the syswbreadreg, syswbwritereg, or syswbdelreg functions. These equates are:

sysregpath  The registry path or filename in UNIX
sysregtype  Windows only, defines type of data
sysregvar  Configuration variable to set
sysregval  Value of variable to set
sysregerr  Error code on error condition


The first connection made to Web Builder creates a root, or master session. This session number is traceable throughout the duration of the user's interaction. The sysmaster common block item contains the session id of the master session. The developer can use this to store a custom set of information about the user's current session.


This variable is used to store data for the sysencrypt, and sysdecrypt functions. These functions should however not be called directly when reading to and writing from records, but instead the developer should use the sysread, sysreadu, and syswrite functions.


This item will be set to a description of an error if one occurs during an encryption of decryption process, using the sysencrypt and sysdecrypt functions.


If after a call to sysreadu, you find that the syslocked variable has been set, then you should consider the record you attempted to read as being locked. More detail on this can be found under the description of the sysreadu function.

syssockin (patch33.002)

Used by the system to store the data returned by a call to the syssocket function. Replaces syssock<syssockin>.

syssockout (patch33.002)

Used to store data to send to the syssocket routine. Replaces syssock<syssockout>