The SQLCATMAN utility provides a means of updating the SQL Catalog lookup table. This table is used to specify which files are accessible to jBASE via the SQL and ODBC interfaces.


jsh ~ -->sqlcatman -h


Description: Updates SQL Catalog lookup table


Usage: sqlcatman [options] [ -f ( filename (-e dictname)? ) (tablename)? ]


options: -a = Add catalog entry, (CREATE TABLE)

-d = Add catalog entry, (CREATE DICT TABLE)

-r = Delete catalog entry, (DROP TABLE)

-h = Verbose Help, examples etc...


tablename = name of SQL table

filename = name of jBASE file (if omitted same as tablename)

dictname = name of jBASE dict file to use, (if omitted default for filename)


Adding new entries, option a and d

When adding new entrys, ( [ -f filename (tablename)? ] ), if the f filename option is not used, the default behavior is to use the table name for both the jBASE and SQL table. e.g.


sqlcatman -a ALTERTEST


Creates an entry in the SQL catalog called ALTERTEST, this will access the jBASE file ALTERTEST


Use the -f option to specify the jBASE file name, this is aimed at non standard SQL filenames, e.g. (a file with period marks in the name)




This adds an entry for the jBASE file MY.JBASE.FILE, but when accessing it via SQL its called ALTERTEST.


-e dictname


Sometimes you may want to use an alternative dictionary with a file, this can help limit which dictionary items users can see, or you may have a different view for each department. For example, we have a jBASE file called MYCUST. Internally it is made up of two separate files.


MYCUSTS Data portion of the table

MYCUSTS]D Dictionary portion


MYCUSTS]D holds all of the available dictionary's, however you may only want some users to see contact

details when doing a SQL query, for this use the -e option.


sqlcatman -a -f /home/SOME.DATA -e /home/LIMMITEDCUSTS]D MYCUSTS


This still creates an entry for the table MYCUSTS but uses a different dictionary to define which columns

will be used.


Add ( -a )


sqlcatman -a ALTERTEST


Adds an entry for 'ALTERTEST'




Adds an entry for 'ALTERTEST', but saves its name as 'SQL_TABLE_NAME'. When selecting you can only select on SQL_TABLE_NAME



Add Dictionary Table ( -d )


DICT tables are SQL tables that point to jBASE dictionaries


sqlcatman -d -f ALTERTEST D_ZZ2


Using the dictionary from ALTERTEST, adds an entry using the alias 'D_ZZ2'.



sqlcatman -d D_ALTERTEST


Using the dictionary from ALTERTEST, adds an entry using the alias 'D_ALTERTEST'.



Delete (-r)


sqlcatman -r SQL_TABLE_NAME


Removes the entry for 'SQL_TABLE_NAME'
