This document provides the necessary guidelines and instructions to configure additional (separate) jRFS services on the same host machine. At the present time this functionality is only available on unix platforms, however any client machine (Windows included) can be configured to access the remote data. It is assumed that jRFS is already up and running under the default service and that you have a prerequisite knowledge of configuring jRFS in general.
One instance where this would be useful is that you have two (or more) web applications which access different sets of data via jRFS on the same database server. The need may arise where you want to change (and debug) the configuration of one of the applications without disturbing the other which would require stopping and restarting the jRFS service. Other reasons would be for testing or training purposes. In other words, you could have one jRFS service running for the 'live' production account and another for the test account. Stopping the test account's jRFS service will have no effect on the 'live' production account, and vice versa.
All steps for the server configuration must be performed on the server as 'root'.
For purposes of these instructions we will assume that the new service is called jRFS_NEW, and the port we will use for all socket connections is 5011, however any unused (or unreserved) port number can be used.
1) Create a new directory to hold the jRFS configuration files for the new service:
Copy the jnet_config, jrfs_config, and jnet_env files from the templates in the $JBCRELEASEDIR/config directory. If desired, you can also copy the jnet_access file to this directory or to a directory in a more secure location. Since jnet_access is not necessary for the task at hand we will not mention it further.
2) Define the server port number to 'listen' for jRFS requests:
Add an entry to the /etc/services file as follows:
jRFS_NEW 5011/tcp
3) Create the executable to be used to start the service:
Copy the $JBCRELEASEDIR/jRFS executable to jRFS_NEW. You should place this new executable in a location other than /usr/jbc/bin in the event that jBASE needs to be reinstalled. Ensure that permissions are set such that it is executable for all users, i.e. 'rwx--x--x'.
Caveat: In the event that jBASE changes the internal implementation of jRFS, you should be aware that any upgrades to future jBASE releases should include re-copying this executable to its new location.
4) Create a new script to be used to start and stop the service:
Copy the /usr/jbc/src/jRFS.init.d script to jRFS_NEW.init.d. You should place this new script in a location other than /usr/jbc/src in the event that jBASE needs to be reinstalled. The caveat from step 3) applies here as well.
Make the following changes to the new script:
a) Change the assignment of JBCNETDIR and JBCNETACCESS to point to the new directory created in step 1).
b) Change the line
ExecRFS=jRFS_NEWc) Change the line
PV_PROCESSES=`ps -ef | grep -v grep | grep "jRFS -b" | $PV_AWK '{ print $2 }'`
PV_PROCESSES=`ps -ef | grep -v grep | grep "jRFS_NEW -b" | $PV_AWK '{ print $2 }'`Note that we are not starting the service at this time.
5) Modify the server configuration files created in step 1):
The only file you need to change is the jnet_env file where the servername jRFS must be changed to the new jRFS service which is listening for jRFS requests (jRFS_NEW in this case). For example, if you wanted all users to connect using the username 'webuser', the line would read:
ENV:jRFS_NEW webuser *
Make any other configuration changes at this point. One useful change is to assign a unique filepath to the logfile parameter in the jnet_config and jrfs_config configuration files in the event you would need to turn tracing on.
6) Start the new service
This is accomplished by running the jRFS_NEW.init.d script created in step 4), i.e. jRFS_NEW.init.d start
Instructions for running this script on a reboot are provided in the script.
To configure a client machine to use an alternate jRFS service (jRFS_NEW in this case):
1) Define the port number to send out jRFS requests:
Add an entry to the /etc/services file (unix), %SYSTEMROOT%\system32\drivers\etc\services (Windows) as follows:
jRFS_NEW 5011/tcp
Alternatively (and more restrictive), you could define the server port number in the jrfs_config file by adding the line:
where port_number is the port number to which the new jRFS service is listening on the host machine. However, once this is defined in this manner you are effectively restricting jRFS access to only those host machines listening on that port.
2) Define how users of the client machine map to users on the host machine:
Add an entry to the jnet_map file by changing the server name to the new service name (jRFS_NEW in this case) in which the new service is 'listening'. For example, if the server IP address is 123.456.78.9 then
LOCAL:123.456.78.9 jRFS_NEW * *
REMOTE:123.456.78.9 jRFS_NEW webuserwould map all users from the 'local' (client) machines to 'webuser' on the remote machine that is listening on port 5011 which is the port number associated with the service name jRFS_NEW (defined in the host's /etc/services file set up in step 2) of the server configuration).
3) Create the SYSTEM file and MD/VOC entries:
To make this all work, create an entry in the SYSTEM file (the file defined by JEDIFILENAME_SYSTEM) where field <2> contains the jRFS service name (jRFS_NEW in this case). An example SYSTEM file entry would be
<1> R
<2> - jRFS_NEW
<4> 123.456.78.9Note that field <2> contains a dash concatenated with a space concatenated with the service name. The dash is a place holder for when you are not specifying an account. The alternative format for field <2> is
<2> account_name jRFS_service_name
Note that no dash is required here. A detailed explaination of this can be found here.
Extending this example, to access a file called SPACESTATIONS on the remote host through the jRFS_NEW server, the MD/VOC entry would be
<1> Q
<3> SPACESTATIONSIt is assumed that the SPACESTATIONS file is visible in the server user's home directory or is defined in the jnet_env server configuration file with the JEDIFILEPATH environment variable.
A client machine can not make concurrent jRFS requests to more than one jRFS service on a particular remote host without changing the jnet_map client configuration file. In other words, jnet_map can only be set to use one jRFS service at a time for a particular host. There is no restriction as to the number of remote hosts you can connect to, only the number of jRFS services per remote host.