Despools print jobs to a printer or terminal attached to your current port.
The PORT-DESPOOL command is a synonym for the PORTOUT command.
First create a formqueue with a Device Type of 'PORT'. For this example we
will assume the name of the form queue is 'SCREEN'. There are 2 ways to accomplish this:
1. From Option 1 on the SP-STATUS menu. When
prompted enter
2. Or from the jShell command line type:
Note: In both cases, press <Enter> when you are prompted for 'Device
Now assign this queue using the SP-ASSIGN
command, e.g.
At this point you are now ready to create a print job. For this example,
simply type
which will send the contents of the current directory to the spooler,
specifically to the form queue SCREEN.
Finally you can now despool this job with
Note that the spooler assignment (SP-ASSIGN = SCREEN) will remain in effect
until you execute another SP-ASSIGN or you terminate the current connection to
A common use for this is to send spooled output through the 'aux' (serial) port
of a local pc to a 'slave' printer. The trouble is that 'slave-on' and
'slave-off' sequences are not generated automatically. Not to worry though,
jBASE has a solution. To 'auto generate' slave-on/slave-off sequences you need
to defined these in a spooler form-type that is assigned to the form queue.
Continuing with our example of using the form queue SCREEN:
First, assign a form-type with defines STARTJOB and ENDJOB. STARTJOB will
send a 'slave on' message at the start of each job and ENDJOB will send a
'slave off' message. For these two actions you need to create two jBC programs
called 'slave_on' and 'slave_off' respectively:
PROGRAM slave_on
PRINT @(-17):
PROGRAM slave_off
PRINT @(-18):
Now compile and catalog these two programs, and ensure they can be
seen from the PATH environment variable.
Next create the new form-type by copying the 'jspform_deflt' file to a new
name. This file is located in %JBCRELEASEDIR%\config directory. For example, on
Windows, at a jShell prompt type:
COPY C:\JBASE30\config jspform_deflt
TO: jspform_port
This assumes that jBASE was installed in the default location on Windows. A similar command on unix might be:
COPY /usr/jbc/config jspform_deflt
TO: jspform_port
Edit the new 'jspform_port' file, locate the STARTJOB and ENDJOB commands and enter the following two lines:
STARTJOB slave_on
ENDJOB slave_off
[Note: Other form-type settings you might want to set at this time are WIDTH
and DEPTH so that you do not have to issue these as TERM commands.]
Finally, assign the new form-type to the SCREEN form queue by enter the following command at a jShell command prompt:
We're now ready to test this with the PORT-DESPOOL command...
[Note: When issuing a PORT-DESPOOL command under BASIC control, do NOT
'capture' the output as this will not allow the job to be despooled.]