Spooler Security

The jBASE spooler has its own security mechanism. The default security is:

A form queue definition can only be modified by the user that created the form queue in the first instance. In the case of the default formqueue (STANDARD), this is the user defined during the SP-NEWTAB command.

A print job can only be viewed or modified only by the user who created the print job. The owner of the form queue onto which the job is placed does not have permissions.


The security mechanism can be changed in the following manner:

By default the owner of a form queue is the user who created it. You can add "Alternate" owners of the form queue, thus building a list of any number of form queue owners.


The security for a form queue can be in one of three states:

  • CREATOR: This means only the user who created the form queue has permission to modify the form queue definition. This is the default state.
  • QUEUE:Any of the form queue owners (including the Alternate owners) are allowed to modify the form queue.
  • NONE: No security exists and any user can modify the formqueue definition.


The security for a print job can be in one of three states:

  • CREATOR: This means only the user who created the print job has permission to modify or view the print job. This is the default state.
  • QUEUE:Any of the form queue owners (including the Alternate owners) are allowed to modify or view the print job.
  • NONE: No security exists and any user can modify or view the print job.

When the spooler is first created using the SP-NEWTAB command, the security of any created form queues is to have:

Form queues: The state is CREATOR
Print Jobs: The state is CREATOR
Alternate owners: None.

You can changed this default action using the options presented by SP-NEWTAB. The following shows the command being run and the security modified so that:

Form queues: The state is NONE. Any user can modify the formqueue.
Print Jobs: The state is QUEUE. This means all the formqueue owners (including the Alternate owners) can modify a print job. In this example this will be the users lp , greg , jbaserel and ted.
Alternate owners: Accounts greg , jbaserel and ted. These describe the form queue owners , in addition to the owner of the spooler files (in this example, lp).

This means that any new form queues created will by default have the above security states. Of course the security for the form queue can be modified at a later stage using one of the mechanisms described later.
