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Generates a select list (or display) of all keys in a file which do not match given selection criteria.



XSELECT file-name



file-name specifies the name of the file to be searched.



If you issue the XSELECT command while a select list is active, the process will return with a list of all the records in the file which are not in the active list.

If you issue the XSELECT command without an active select list, you will be prompted initially for the name of a saved list to use. If you supply a list name the process will return with a list of all the records in the file which are not in the named list. If you do not supply a list name but press <Enter> to this prompt, you will be asked to supply selection criteria (in normal jQL format) which will identify all the records in the file that you do not want in the returned list.

In all cases, providing the returned list contains one or more record keys, you will be asked for a new name to save the list to. If you do not supply a list name but only press <Enter> to this prompt, the list of record keys will be displayed on the terminal screen.



Input save list name: CUSTOMERS.NOT.MK

GET-LIST makes the CUSTOMERS.MK list active. XSELECT then creates a list of all the records in the CUSTOMERS file which are not in the active list, and save it as CUSTOMERS.NOT.MK.



Input list name: CUSTOMERS.MK
Input save list name: CUSTOMERS.NOT.MK

XSELECT first prompts for the name of a list to use. It then creates a list of all the records in the CUSTOMERS file which are not in the specified list, and save the new list as CUSTOMERS.NOT.MK.



Input list name: <Enter>
Input selection criteria: WITH POST.CODE = "MK]"
Input save list name: CUSTOMERS.NOT.MK

XSELECT first prompts for the name of a list to use. Because a list name is not supplied, it prompts for the anti-selection criteria to use. A list is then created which contains all the keys of the CUSTOMERS file where the records do not match the selection criteria. The new list is saved as CUSTOMERS.NOT.MK.