Creates a select list from a record in a file.
FORM-LIST filename record-key {(n}
filename is the name of the file which contains record-key.
record-key is the name of the record to be converted into a select list.
n is the field number in the record from which the list is to start. If n is omitted the list will start from field 1.
If you issue the FORM-LIST command without specifying a record key, you will be prompted to supply one.
The command will open file filename, read the record record-key and create a select list using each field in the record as a separate element for the list. The list formed becomes the active select list and will be inherited by the next jBASE command or program.
200 records SELECTED
A record named APRIL.SALES in file SALES.LISTS contains a list of customer keys. Each key occupies a separate field. The FORM-LIST command generates an active list of customers. You can then issue a subsequent command such as LIST CUSTOMERS which will use the active list.