
The jcover programs provides a mechanism to generate statistical information on the coverage of an application during a test run. It can be used to calculate the percentage of code that was executed, percentage not executed, what sources were not used in files and so on.

The usage of jcover depends upon much of the existing profiling tools. Therefore this document should be in conjunction with existing documentation available for profiling tools. The jcover utility can be used to great advantage with the jkeyauto utility. Using both of them together it is possible to build up highly automated scripts that will automatically test new releases of software and ensure that a known percentage of your entire application gets executed as well as ensuring that all paths through your application are executed and tested.

Using jcover involves these 3 key steps:

  1. Run the application and record the information.
  2. Collating the recorded information.
  3. Reporting the jcover information.

Recording the information

This phase involves running your application in a certain manner and allowing jBASE to record the statistics about the lines of code that were executed whilst the application was run. There are two ways of telling jBASE to record this information

1. Use the -JC option to the program. For example:

In the above example, when the application ‘MYAPPLICATION’ terminates a file called ‘jprof’ will be written to the current working directory which contains all the profiling information for this application.

2. Set the JBCPROFILE environment variable to 3.

 For example:


In this second invocation jBASE will create a file in the format jprof_mmmmm_nnn, one file for each program that is executed where mmmm is the process id and nnn is the PERFORM/EXECUTE level. In this way you can generate multiple copies of profiling information which will automatically include all executed procs and programs. Each file will be stored in the current working directory as of when the application was loaded.

Remember to unset the JBCPROFILE environment variable when you are finished otherwise you will find a very large number of the profiling files cluttering up your directory.

It might be useful to run your application through a jkeyauto script. In this manner you can accurately repeat a test case through your application and repeatedly use the jcover tools to ensure as much as possible percentage of your application is executed.

At the end of the recording phase you will have one or more profiling files. These profiling files can then be used in the second stage of jcover profiling. Remember that as Unix files they can be easily moved and renamed. For example you could run a number of test cases using the -JC option and each time rename the generate ‘jprof’ file to something else, such as jprof_a , jprof_b and so on. Then in the next phase you can supply multiply file name to be manipulated.

Collating the information

Once you have recorded one or more profiling files as shown in the previous section, you are ready to collate all the information. This is the function of the jcover program. The jcover program is run like this:

jcover {-fFilename {-fFileName ...}} {-oOutputFile} {-ddelim} {-e} {-h|?} {-u} {-x} {jprof {jprof ...}}

-ddelim Change the delimiter in output records from '*'
-e Write out verbose details of all lines of code executed
-fName Name of file to extract source from
-h | -? Help screen output
-oOutputFile Output file name
-u Write out details of unused source code in the supplied input files
-x Write out verbose details of all lines of code NOT executed
prof Profile name

By default it will take the input Unix file ‘jprof’, extract some statistical information about it, and write it back out to a newly-created file called jcover_nnn where nnn is your port number. It will also create suitable dictionary items.

The default information stored will be a summary of the percentages of all source items executed. You can use the -e, -u and -x options to create additional statistical information.

The -oOutputFile option allows you to specify an alternative output file to jcover_nnn (where nnn is your port number). If this option is not used, we default to jcover_nnn and create the file if necessary. Whatever file name you choose, both the DICT and the DATA section will be cleared and suitable DICT items written away for later usage.

Once this phase is complete, you will have an output file ready for use with the final phase. 

Reporting the information

This third phase requires the use of the file created in the second phase. For convenience we will call it jcover_23 , but in fact it can be any file name used as the output of the jcover program.

There are basically 3 ways of using the information created in file jcover_23

Using jQL with the default DICT macros

To show a summary of percentages of coverages use:

LIST jcover_23 STATS

To show a summary of general information, such as times, dates, files used and so on. Use:

LIST jcover_23 GENINFO

If the -e option was used, you can display a list of all the lines of source code executed with:

LIST jcover_23 EXEC

If the -x option was used, you can display a list of all the lines of source code not executed with:

LIST jcover_23 NOTEXEC

If the -u option was used, you can display a list of all source items that didn’t have any code executed during the application execution

LIST jcover_23 NOTUSED

Using jQL with your own command line

This involves simply using a jQL statement with something other than the supplied macros. For example you could:


Using a jBC program

Refer to the layout of the output file and the dictionaries to write your own jBC program to further report on the information available.


1. At present, jcover is available on Unix platforms only.

2. When you are running profiling for jcover your application will run at 2-20 times slower, so this type of profiling isn't suitable for performance measurement at all. If you use this against batch jobs, you may find this performance degradation is too much. You will additionally use around 0.5 to 5 Mb extra memory per application while running this jcover profiling.

3. The profiling can only detect whole lines of code executed , or not executed. In the following line of code:

READ record FROM filevar, itemid ELSE record = "xxx" ; GOSUB subname

the jcover profiling will only record the fact the READ statement was executed -- it cannot be used to determine if the code following the ELSE was executed or not. If you want to test for this, then the application will need to be changed so that the ELSE code is on a separate line. This isn't bad programming practice anyway.

4. There are problems with the debugger information generated with jBC that have been mostly fixed on jBASE release 3.1 . This work is on-going. In the meantime to get the most accurate representations of your application you should re-compile and re-catalog all of your application under jBASE 3.1.

5. Some jBC code is not really executable. These statements will be treated as comment lines and so not recorded in the statistics about lines of executable code and code not executed. These include:

  • Code labels with no source code e.g. "EXITPROG: * Comment"
  • NULL
  • END {IF} {CASE}
