This section shows how to write and execute jCL (jBASE Command Language) programs. It also discusses how jCL manipulates data in the various buffers and selects registers.
Most of the following text assumes that you will be using the functionally superior PQN variant of the jCL language. The PQ and PQN Differences section discusses the differences between the two variants.
A jCL program is stored as a text record in a file.
The first line of a jCL program is PQ or PQN.
Note: On jBASE 3, a jCL program can be run as a UNIX executable script by replacing the first line with: #!usr/jbc/bin/jpq or #!usr/jbc/bin/jpqn. This functionality has been deprecated on jBASE 4 (and later) due to the fact that the thread model must run this as a new process, thus acquiring a new port number and license token.
Subsequent lines contain jCL statements that can execute other programs, manipulate data in the buffers, and control the flow of program execution and so on.
jCL program statements comprise a numeric label (optional), a command and any command arguments.
There are many facilities, which enable you to control program flow and to call (and return) or jump to other jCL programs. You can also construct internal or external subroutines.
Labels appear at the start of a line and are always numeric (1, 330, 1000, etc.). You should always put at least one space between the label and the statement.
You can place more than one command on a line by separating each command with a subvalue mark character (x"FC" - entered by typing <ctrl \>). The commands will be executed sequentially, left to right.
Some commands cannot be grouped on the same line because they require one or more dedicated lines in the program. These commands are:
( ), [ ], B, BO, F, F;
Lines, which are a continuation of a T or L command from a previous line, are also not suitable for grouping.
The M (Mark) command can be followed by other commands on the same line, but it must be the first command on a line. Commands following the M command, on the same line must be separated by a subvalue mark rather than a space (unlike numeric labels).
Command line which start with a "C" or an "*" are treated as comments.
If you include a comment in a multiple command line, anything between the "C" or "*" and a following a subvalue mark (or the end of the line) will be ignored.
A label will remain active if the "C" or "*" is placed after it on the line.
jCL programs can be executed in several ways:
you can the enter the name of the
program from jSHELL,
you can "jump to" another jCL
program of the
same type by using the ( ) command,
you can "call" another jCL program of the same type, as a subroutine,
by using the [ ] command,
you can use a PERFORM
statement from a
program, or
you can convert the program to a UNIX executable and call it from any shell.
Change the first line to #!usr/jbc/bin/jpq and then use chmod to create an
executable file.
Once you start a jCL program, it will remain active until:
control is explicitly passed to another jCL program
the jCL program is explicitly exited
all of the lines of the jCL program are exhausted
a fatal error is encountered.
Even when the jCL program temporarily passes control to another process such as jED or jBC , it will still remain in control (unless control is passed to a jBC program which then CHAINs or ENTERs another jCL program). Exiting from the called process will return control to the jCL program.
If you do not want to store the main body your jCL program in the MD file, you can create a "pointer" jCL program in the MD. For example, to run a jCL program called DAILY which is held a file called REPORTS, create an MD entry like this:
001 PQN
This will chain to jCL program DAILY in file REPORTS.
Note that the "pointer" program and the "pointed to" program can have the same name.
You can create jCL programs, which will be run automatically, each time a user logs in or logs in to a specific account. Simply create a jCL program with the same name as the account or user, and put "jshell -" on the last line of the login script (usually ".profile").
This feature can be used for example, to configure the jSHELL environment, implement a security system, or display an initial menu.
For example, let's assume that all users who login to an account called SALES must be offered an initial menu, which is a jBC program, called MENU held in a file called PROGS. You would create a jCL program in the MD of the SALES account and call it SALES like this:
001 PQN
003 P
Each time a user logs in to the SALES account, the system will search for a program called SALES in the MD of the account. The jCL program will then run the MENU program from the PROGS file.
jCL programs use a series of buffers to store and manipulate data internally. jCL uses these buffers in much the same way as variables in a jBC program.
The four main buffers are classed as "input" and "output", and sub-classed as "primary" and "secondary".
Nine file buffers are provided to allow data to be moved to and from file records. There is also a "fast" file buffer to give you quick access to records.
In addition to the main input/output and file buffers, there is a range of five "select" buffers, which are used to manipulate, lists (typically record keys).
You will need a thorough understanding of the way in which these buffers work if you want to write (or maintain) anything other than very simple jCL programs.
The four jCL main buffers are:
primary input buffer (PIB)
secondary input buffer (SIB)
primary output buffer (POB)
secondary output buffer (SOB)
Typically, the input buffers are used to receive and manipulate data, and the output buffers are used to issue shell commands to the system.
Most of the time you will use the primary buffers as the active buffers. The secondary buffers (particularly the secondary input buffer) are used by very few jCL commands.
The primary input buffer is a work area. It can be used to collect terminal input or for temporary storage of control parameters.
Reference individual parameters within the PIB by preceding the parameter number with a percent sign (for example, %3)
When you start a jCL program, the PIB will contain the jCL program name and any supplied arguments, exactly as they were entered.
When you execute a jCL program from a jBC CHAIN , EXECUTE/PERFORM statement, the PIB will contain the CHAIN, EXECUTE or PERFORM command.
If you execute a jBC program from jCL , you can access the contents of the PIB from jBC with the PROCREAD and PROCWRITE statements. Control returns to the jCL program when the jBC program ends - unless control is passed to a jBC program, which then CHAINs or ENTERs another jCL program.
The secondary input buffer has three main roles:
collection of input from the terminal
when an IN command is used,
collection of error codes generated from executed programs and jQL
queries (see the
IF E command), and
collection of spooler hold file numbers in the form Entry # n, where n is the
hold file number.
Data in the SIB is overwritten each time you use one of these facilities.
When the primary input buffer is active, you can use the MS command to copy the entire contents of the secondary input buffer to the primary input buffer.
The primary output buffer is used to build shell commands, which are submitted for processing when the P command is executed. With the exception of other jCL programs and the LOGTO command, you can construct and execute any shell command in this way.
You should always use a jCL transfer function when invoking one jCL program from another.
A carriage return is automatically placed at the end of the command in the POB when it is executed by the P command.
The secondary output buffer is used to provide a "stack" of responses to be fed into interactive processes, such as jBC or jED , when they request input.
The SOB becomes active when you use the STON (stack on) command. You can then place data in the SOB before you execute say, a jBC program.
The stacked data is used to respond to INPUT requests, instead of taking input from the keyboard - rather like the DATA statement in a jBC program.
Note that the same internal storage area is used for both the SOB and the jBC DATA statement. If your jCL program is called from a CHAIN , EXECUTE or PERFORM statement in a jBC program, any data placed in the stack by a DATA statement will be used by jCL input statements.
If a jCL program is executed directly from the shell, the SOB will be cleared before the program starts.
Terminate each line of data placed in the SOB using the H command by typing a less-than character (<) to represent a carriage return.
Older systems required you to use a line continuation symbol (two less - than characters "<<") if you wanted to put more than 140 characters into the buffer. Although this functionality is still supported, you do not need to use the line continuation symbol in jBASE.
Many commands access the currently active input buffer rather than referring specifically to the primary or secondary areas. These include the A and Ap forms of the A command, and the B, D (without parameter), F, IBH, IH, IP and Sp commands.
When an IN or IBN command is executed, when the SIB will become the active input buffer. The SIB will then remain active until an RI, S (n) or MV %n source command is executed.
Be careful when using these commands. Try to structure your programs in such a way as to minimise the possible confusion between which buffer is currently active. As a minimum, include as many comments as you can.
When a jCL program is executed from the shell or you issue a STOFF (Stack Off) command, the POB becomes the active output buffer.
The SOB only becomes active when you use a STON (Stack On) command.
You can refer to the parameters in the active output buffer by using a hash sign (#).
Some operations, such as COPY and EDIT, need two buffers and you will need to switch between the buffers when creating these commands. The Primary buffer holds the command (as it would be entered at the shell prompt) and the secondary buffer holds any further input required by the command. If you fail to specify any required input in the secondary buffer, it will be prompted for at run time
Data in the input and output buffers is held as a series of parameters separated by blanks (PQ) or field marks (PQN).
You can refer directly to a specific parameter by using the parameter's sequence number. For example, you might refer to the 10th parameter as %10.
Alternatively, you can refer to the data in terms of its column (or character) position. For example, you might refer to the 21st column (character) of the primary input buffer as S(21).
Four buffer pointers are used:
one for each of the active input buffers
one for each of the output buffers
In the examples which follow, the buffer pointers are indicated by an up arrow like this a.
Field marks (the parameter separators in PQN-style jCL programs) are indicated by a carat like this ^.
The input buffer pointer points to a position in the active input buffer. You can move the pointer without affecting the data in the buffer by using the S, F and B commands. The S command positions the input buffer pointer to a specific location, while the F and B commands move the pointer forward or backward over the parameters.
Each output buffer has its own pointer. These pointers always indicate the end of the parameter data. If you move the pointer backwards and write data to the new position, the original data at the end of the buffer will be truncated.
The BO command is used to move the primary output buffer pointer back one parameter, or to clear the secondary output buffer.
jCL provides nine file buffers, numbered from 1 to 9. The file buffers are used as the medium for transferring data from and to files - reading and writing.
You should always open file buffers before you use them for reading or writing. They can also be used as temporary data storage areas.
The data held in a file buffer (like a database record) is divided into fields, which are separated by field marks. If you refer to a field beyond the last field, the required number of additional fields (with null values) is created.
File buffer references are constructed by specifying an ampersand (&), followed by the file buffer number, a period (.) and then a numeric value (which might be an indirect reference) to define the field number you want.
For example, if file buffer 4 contains:
000 TEST1
001 ABC
002 DEF
003 GHI
004 JKL
&4.2 refers to the second field in file buffer 4 - in this case DEF, and &4.0 refers to the record key of the record in file buffer 4 - in this case TEST1.
The record key will be null until you perform a read operation or until you move data into field 0 of the file buffer.
The FB command provides a special "Fast Buffer" facility. You can use FB to read a record from a file into the fast buffer without having to open the file first. There is only one fast buffer. The fields are referred to as &n, where n is the field number. Any existing data is overwritten each time you use the FB command.
Select registers are used to hold a list of record keys or other multi-valued fields, which have been generated by shell commands that produce lists. These include BSELECT, ESEARCH, FORM-LIST, GET-LIST, QSELECT, SEARCH, SELECT and SSELECT . Having executed one of these commands, you should use the PQ-SELECT and PQ-RESELECT jCL commands to load or reset the select registers.
Five select registers (numbered from 1 to 5) are provided. Each can contain a separate list.
The select registers are accessed to by using an exclamation mark (!) followed by the register number - for example !2. Each time a select register is accessed, the next field is taken from the top of the list.
You cannot manipulate the values in a
select register. If you write to a select register, say with the MV command, the
whole list will be replaced. If you want to use a value more than once, move it
to another buffer for temporary storage.
For example, if the Select Register contains
The first access will retrieve KEY1, the second KEY2, the third KEY3 and so on.
Buffer reference symbols can be used to make direct or indirect references to the input and output buffers and the file buffers. You can only make direct references to the select registers.
Four special symbols are used:
% for
the primary input buffer.
# for the active output buffer.
& for a file buffer or the "fast" buffer.
! for a select register.
Referencing the primary input buffer or the active output buffer will not reposition the pointer.
Use the appropriate symbol with a literal value to use direct reference. For example:
% 23 Refers to the 23rd parameter in the primary input buffer.
#4 Refers to the 4th parameter in the current output buffer.
&4.19 Refers to field 19 in file buffer 4.
!3 Refers to the next value in select register 3.
Use a combination of symbols and literal values to create an indirect reference. For example:
% %3 Refers to the %3th parameter in the
primary input buffer. If say, %3 contained the value 10, this example would
refer to the 10th parameter of the primary input buffer.
&4.%5 Refers to the field in file buffer 4 defined by %5.
Indirect references can only be made to the primary input buffer (%), the active output buffer (#) or a file buffer (&). If the resulting value is non-numeric, a zero is used. In the case of the file buffer (&), you may only use an indirect reference to the parameter, not the file buffer number - for example, &5.%3 is legal, &%3.5 is not.
Direct or indirect buffer references can be used with the following jCL commands:
( ), F-OPEN
[ ], F-READ
F-FREE, FB, IF (multivalued), L, S
F-CLOSE, H, IF (mask), MV, T
Wherever possible, avoid using the obsolete "M"ark command to control branching within the program. Using labels and the GO command will help to preserve clarity and make program maintenance much easier.
You can put more than one jCL command on the same line by using a subvalue mark. For example:
001 PQN
002 10T "Enter file name :",+
003 IBP %1
004 F-O 1 %1
005 T "Cannot open ", %1, "..."\ GO
006 T "File ", %1, " opened OK"
In this example, if the file cannot be opened by the F-O command, the line immediately following the command will be executed (see the F-O command for details). If the file is opened, the next but one line will be executed. By grouping an error message and a branch on the "error" line (005), you will avoid the necessity of creating a separate subroutine to handle the error condition.
Note that you cannot use grouping like this where a command relies on a particular line structure - the F-O command for example.
You can use a mark with the ctrl \> but it must be the first jCL command on the line. For example, use:
M \ IBP:%1 \ IF # %1 X
IBP %1 \ M \ IF # %1 X
To increase readability and make it easier to edit and debug your jCL program, you can indent lines by using leading blanks.
The incorporation of useful comments, using the C or * commands, will help with the future maintenance of your programs.
The following commands provide a simple way of putting the current system time and date into the currently active input buffer:
Puts the current time, in internal format (seconds since midnight), in the current input buffer (in this case, %21).
Puts the current date, in internal format (days since 31 Dec 67), in the current input buffer (in this case, %10).
Puts the current time, in external format (MTS yields hh:mm:ss), in the current input buffer (in this case, %8).
D D2/
Puts the current date, in external format (D2/ yields dd/mm/yy or mm/dd/yy - depending on your internationalization settings), in the current input buffer (in this case, %33).
You can use pattern matching to input a valid date or time but it does not catch input like 10/32/94 or 25:25:25.
The example below checks for a valid date in D2/ format by converting it. This mechanism works because an invalid date converts to null.
001 PQN
002 10 T "Enter date (mm/dd/yy) :", +
003 IF # %1 XFinished
004 IBP %1
005 MV %2 "
006 IBH%1;D2/;
007 IF # %2 T B,"Oops!"\ GO
008 C Date OK
To help with program clarity, you can construct long statements by using several H commands. Make sure there is a space at the end the first H command or before the second (and subsequent) commands. For example:
001 PQN
002 HGET-LIST listname
003 STON
004 P
005 HSORT filename WITH ...
006 H HEADING "..."
007 P
Older systems required you to use a line continuation symbol (two less- than characters "<<" the buffer. Although this functionality is still supported, you do not need to use the line continuation symbol in jBASE.
Use an asterisk (*) to concatenate (join) a series of values. For example:
001 PQN
002 MV %2 "string"
003 MV %1 "Text "*%2*" has been concatenated"
004 T %1
will display "Text string has been concatenated".
If a hold file is generated while a jCL program is executing, the hold file number is returned as an error message number in the secondary input buffer.
Hold file numbers are returned as Entry #n, where "n" is the hold file number, so that you can distinguish them from "real" error message numbers.
This section begins with a brief summary of the jCL commands, organized by function. Each jCL command is then described, in alphabetical order.
B |
Moves the buffer pointer back to the previous parameter. |
F |
Moves the buffer pointer forward to the next parameter. |
Inserts a text string containing embedded blanks into the active input buffer. |
IH |
Inserts a text string, creates a new null parameter, or nulls an existing parameter in the active input buffer. |
RI |
Clears all or part of the primary input buffer, and can be used to clear the secondary input buffer. |
S |
Moves the input buffer pointer to a specified parameter or column. |
BO |
Moves the active output buffer pointer back one parameter. |
H |
Inserts a literal into the active output buffer. |
RO |
Clears both output buffers and selects the primary as active. |
Selects the primary as the active output buffer. |
Selects the secondary (stack) as the active output buffer. |
A |
Copies a parameter from the active input buffer to the active output buffer. |
MS |
Move the secondary input buffer contents to the primary input buffer. |
MV |
Copies data between primary input buffer, active output buffer, file buffers and select registers. |
Copies the specified source into the destination buffer and stores it as a multivalue. |
deletes data from a multivalued parameter in the destination buffer. |
Accepts input from the terminal as a single parameter with all blanks intact and places it in the secondary input buffer. |
Accepts input from the terminal as a single parameter with all blanks intact and places it in the specified buffer or the active input buffer. |
IN |
Accepts input from the terminal and places it in the secondary input buffer. |
IP |
Accepts input from the terminal and places it in the specified buffer or the active input buffer. |
IT |
Transfers a tape record to the primary input buffer. |
( ) |
Terminates the current jCL program and begins execution of (chains to) another jCL program. |
[ ] |
Calls an external jCL program routine. |
G, GO , GOTO |
Transfers control to the jCL program statement with the specified label. |
GO B |
Transfers control backward to the previous M (mark) command and continue execution from that point. |
GO F |
Transfers control forward to the next M (mark) command and continue execution from that point. |
Transfers control to the local subroutine with the specified label. |
M |
Marks a location to which a GO F or a GO B command transfers control. |
terminates execution of the local subroutine and returns control to the statement following the GOSUB that called the subroutine. |
Returns control from an external jCL program subroutine to the jCL program that called the subroutine. |
IF |
Allows conditional execution of jCL program commands. |
IF E |
Tests for presence of an error condition after processing a shell command. |
Performs numeric comparisons and allows conditional execution of jCL program commands. |
Clears the specified file buffer. |
Deletes an record from a file opened by an F-OPEN command. |
Releases an record lock set by the F-UREAD command. |
Closes the specified file buffer. |
F-OPEN , F-O |
Clears and opens a file buffer to allow reads and writes. |
F-READ , F-R |
Reads a record from a file into a file buffer. |
Reads a record from a file into a file buffer and locks the record. |
Writes the contents of the specified file buffer to a file. |
FB |
Reads an record into a special "fast buffer" without first opening the file. |
+ |
Adds an integer to the current parameter in the active input buffer. |
- |
Subtracts an integer from the current parameter in the active input buffer. |
F; |
Performs arithmetic functions on constants and buffer parameters. |
P |
Executes the shell command in the primary output buffer. |
PU |
Executes the UNIX command in the primary output buffer, using the UNIX shell. |
L |
Formats output to the printer. |
O |
Outputs a text string to the terminal. |
T |
Produces complex, formatted terminal output and display buffer values. |
C or * |
Includes a comment in a jCL program. |
D |
Displays all or part of the active input buffer. |
Turns debug on or off. |
TR |
Invokes a trace for a jCL program and displays each command on the terminal before it is executed. |
PP |
Displays the command in the output buffer and prompts to continue. |
PW |
Displays the command in the output buffer and prompts to continue. |
( ) |
Terminates the current jCL program and begins execution of another jCL program. |
X |
Halts execution of a jCL program and returns control to the shell. |
Terminates the current jCL
program and
begins execution of (chains to) another jCL program.
({DICT} file-name{, data-section-name} {key}) {label}
DICT specifies the dictionary section of file-name, if required.
file-name is the name of the file that contains the jCL program to be executed. Can be a literal, or a direct or indirect reference to a buffer or select register.
data-section-name specifies an alternative data section of the file. Can be a literal, or a direct or indirect reference to a buffer or select register.
key is the name of the jCL program to be executed. Can be a literal, or a direct or indirect reference to a buffer or select register. If key is not specified, the current parameter in the active input buffer will be used.
label specifies a label in the target jCL program from which to start execution.
The ( ) command terminates the current jCL program and begins execution of another jCL program, of the same type.
The input buffers, output buffers, and file buffers are all passed to the second program, and all open files stay open.
The ( ) command is often used in the MD to "point" to another jCL program, which contains the main body of code. See example 1.
The ( ) command can also be used to divide large jCL programs into smaller units, minimizing the search time for labels.
Using the ( ) command (or the [ ] command), will ensure that the contents of all buffers are available to the target program. If this is not a consideration, you can execute another jCL program with the P command (see later).
001 PQN
002 (JCL MENU2)
Immediately executes another jCL program called MENU2 in the file called JCL.
001 PQN
When the word MENU is entered from the shell, it will be placed in parameter 1 of the primary input buffer - %1. The program will then unconditionally pass control to the MENU program in file JCLFILE.
001 PQ
002 IP?
003 (JCL)
This example will prompt for the name of another jCL program and continue execution with the named jCL program in the file called JCL.
001 PQN
002 (JCL MENU2) 300
Immediately executes another jCL program called MENU2 in the file called JCL. Execution of MENU2 will begin at label 300.[ ]
Calls another jCL program as an external subroutine.
[{DICT} file-name{, data-section-name} {key}] {label}
DICT specifies the dictionary level of file-name, if required.
file-name is the name of the file that contains the jCL program subroutine. Can be a literal, or a direct or indirect reference to a buffer or select register.
data-section-name specifies an alternative data section of the file (default is the same name as the dictionary). Can be a literal, or a direct or indirect reference to a buffer or select register.
key is the name of the jCL program to be executed. Can be a literal, or a direct or indirect reference to a buffer or select register. If key is not specified, the current parameter in the active input buffer will be used.
label specifies a label in the target jCL program from which to start execution. Use of the label clause makes this command synonymous with the GOSUB command.
Input buffers, output buffers, and file buffers are all passed through to the called program, and all open files stay open.
External subroutines can call other subroutines. There is no limit to the number of calls that you can make but the jCL programs must be of the same type.
When an RTN is encountered, control is returned to the calling jCL program. If an RTN is not encountered, execution will terminate at the end of the called program.
001 PQN
002 [SUBS
003 ...
Calls the jCL program SUB1 in the SUBS file as an external subroutine.
Adds an integer value to the current parameter in the active input buffer.
n is the integer to be added.
If the number of characters in a parameter increases as a result of the + command, the other parameters will be moved to the right.
If a parameter is preceded by a + sign, the sign will be replaced by a zero.
If the buffer pointer is at the end of the buffer, a new parameter will be created.
If the referenced parameter is non-numeric, a zero is used.
Command PIB Before PIB After
+30 AAA^+20^333 AAA^050^333
a a
Command PIB Before PIB After
+100 BBB^AA^44 BBB^100^44
a a
Command PIB Before PIB After
+51 ABC^0000^55 ABC^0051^55
a a
- |
Subtracts an integer from the current parameter in the active input buffer. |
n is the integer to be subtracted.
If the number of characters within a parameter decreases with a - command, the result is prefixed with zeros to maintain the same number of characters as the original value.
Parameters within the input buffer can be preceded by a minus sign. If the buffer pointer is at the end of the buffer, a new parameter will be created. If the referenced parameter is non-numeric, a zero is used.
Command PIB Before PIB After
-300 AAA^345^666 AAA^045^666
a a
Command PIB Before PIB After
-20 AAA^ABC^666 AAA^-20^666
a a
Command PIB Before PIB After
-50 AAA^-50^666 AAA^-100^666
a a
001 PQN
002 OEnter a number+
003 S5
004 IBP
005 +7
006 T %5
007 -3
008 T %5
009 RTN
This example receives input from the terminal and places it in the 5th parameter of the primary input buffer. It adds 7 to the value stored in the 5th parameter and displays the result. It then subtracts 3 from the result and displays the new value.
A |
Copies a parameter from the active input buffer to the active output buffer. |
B |
Moves the active input buffer pointer back to the previous parameter. |
BO |
Moves the active output buffer pointer back by one parameter. |
C |
Defines a comment. |
D |
Displays parameters from the active input buffer. |
DE |
Displays the current value of LastError. |
Turns the jCL debug function on or off. |
F |
Moves the active input buffer pointer forward to the next parameter. |
F; |
Provides a range of arithmetic functions. |
Clears the specified buffer. |
Deletes a record from a file. |
Releases a record lock. |
Closes a specified file buffer. |
Opens a file for reading and writing. |
Reads a record from an open file into a file buffer. |
Reads and locks a record from an open file into a file buffer. |
Writes the contents of a file buffer as a record. |
FB |
Reads a record from a file into the special "fast" buffer without having to open the file first. |
Transfers control unconditionally to another location in the program. |
GO B |
Transfers control to the statement following the most recent mark command executed. |
GO F |
Transfers control to the statement containing the next mark command. |
Transfers control to a specific subroutine. |
H |
Places a text string in the active output buffer. |
Places text in the active input buffer whilst retaining embedded spaces. |
Prompts for input and places the entered data in the secondary input buffer. |
Prompts for input from the terminal. |
IF |
Allows conditional execution of jCL commands based on the evaluation of an expression. |
IF E |
Conditionally executes a command depending on the presence or absence of an error message. |
IF S |
Conditionally executes a command depending on the presence or absence of an active select list. |
Allows conditional execution of commands depending on the result of numeric comparisons. |
IH |
Places a text string in the active input buffer. |
IN |
Prompts for input and places it in the secondary input buffer. |
IP |
Prompts for input and places it into the active input buffer or a nominated buffer. |
IT |
Reads a tape record into the primary input buffer. |
L |
Formats printed output. |
M |
Marks a destination for a GO F or GO B command |
MS |
Move the entire content of the secondary input buffer to the primary input buffer. |
MV |
Copies data between buffers or between buffers and select registers. |
Copies a value from the source to the destination buffer and stores it as a multivalue. |
Deletes a value from a multivalued parameter in the target buffer. |
O |
Outputs a text string to the terminal. |
P |
Submits the shell command created in the primary output buffer for execution. |
Executed from a jCL program, resets the pointer of a select register to the beginning of the list of keys. |
Executed from a jCL program, loads a list of keys into a select register |
RI |
Resets (clears) the primary and secondary input buffers. |
RO |
Resets (clears) the active output buffer. |
Terminates execution of a local subroutine. |
Terminates execution of an external subroutine. |
S |
Positions the primary input buffer pointer to a specified parameter or column. |
Selects the primary output buffer as the active output buffer. |
Selects the secondary output buffer as the active output buffer. |
T |
Produces formatted terminal output. |
TR |
Traces jCL program execution and displays each command before it is executed. |
U |
Executes a user exit from a jCL program. |
X |
Halts execution of the program and returns control to the shell. |
Paragraphs can only be invoked automatically via the jshell, jsh, when executing in jsh mode. The jshell, in jsh mode, will attempt to read the first parameter of an entered command from the MD/VOC file as previously specified by the JEDIFILENAME_MD environment variable . If the record is determined to be a paragraph record then the paragraph interpreter, para, is invoked. A logon paragraph record can also be invoked by the jshell via the dash option, alternatively the paragraph record can be invoked from the command line using the paragraph interpreter.
e.g. para ./VOC/PARAGRAPHX
The first line of a paragraph record begins with PA e.g.
001 PA
This line can then be followed by any of
the following :
Any Line preceded by an asterisk. e.g.:
Any non-spaced text suffixed by a colon. e.g.:
Paragraph Prompt
A paragraph prompt to obtain values, e.g.:
Load parameter two from the command line into PromptId Second. If parameter two on the command line is null then prompt for value for Second ensure validates to 1 numeric. The paragraph prompt is formatted as follows:
Always Prompt. |
Cn |
Use parameter n from command line. If value does not exist then null is used. |
In |
Use parameter n from command line. If value does not exist then prompt. |
Sn |
Use parameter n from original command line. If value does not exist then prompt. |
P |
Use input for all PromptIds of the same name. This is the default action. |
R{s}Prompt |
use s as separator, until null input. Default separator is space. |
F(File, RecordId {,Attr {,Value {,Subvalue}}}) |
Input from record RecordId, in file File. |
@(c,r) |
Prompt at column c, row r. |
@(BELL) |
Sound BELL at prompt. |
@(CLR) |
Clear screen before prompt. |
@(TOF) |
Prompt at top left of screen. |
PromptId Identifier used to name prompt values.
Validate Input
Pattern Match
e.g. 0N - Match any numerics
7X - Match seven printable characters.
3A - Match three alpha characters.
text - Match text
e.g. (D2/) - Match date dd/mm/yy or mm/dd/yy.
~~Mask means input should NOT
match mask.
Note: A Paragraph prompt not mixed with a command line or paragraph statement will attempt to execute the resultant value.
One of the following syntax statements.
DISPLAY text |
Output text |
DATA Input |
Stacked input |
GO Label |
Continue at Label |
Start Loop |
Repeat Loop |
Clear Prompt Identifier Values |
IF Expression THEN Statement
Expression - Includes PromptId, operators and/or @variables
Current internal date |
Current internal time |
@DAY |
Current two digit day of month |
Current two digit month of year |
Current two digit year |
Environment PLID value |
SYSTEM(49) |
Current port number |
SYSTEM(18) |
@WHO |
Current user name |
SYSTEM(19) |
Last error code |
SYSTEM(17) |
Last error code |
SYSTEM(17) |
Operators include MATCHES, EQ, LE, LT, etc.
Any executable command with or without paragraph prompts. e.g:
001 PA
004 GO END
007 END:
001 PA
002 * This is an example paragraph
006 DO.CMD:
The first line of a jCL program defines the program as one of two basic types, a PQ or a PQN style program.
Wherever possible, you should use the PQN style.
There are several differences between the two styles, as outlined in the following topics.
PQ-style programs usually use a blank as the delimiter between parameters in the buffers. PQN-style programs usually use a field mark.
PQN allows parameters to be null or contain blanks and more closely mirrors the native record structure.
PQ commands are still supported for compatibility but you should use the functionally superior PQN commands in new or revised jCL programs.
When pointers are moved, PQ commands will generally leave the pointer at the first character of a parameter. PQN commands will generally leave the pointer at a field mark.
Commands affected by this difference are A, B, BO, F, H, IH and IP.
Buffer referencing, file buffers and select registers are only available with PQN commands.
These commands are only used in PQN-style jCL programs:
, FB, MS,
, IBH, MV,
These commands are functionally equivalent in both PQ and PQN-style programs:
( ), G, IF E, RSUB, U
[], GO
+, GO F, M, S,
Executed from a jCL
program, loads a
list of keys into a select register.
PQ-SELECT register-number
register number is the number of the select register (1 to 5) in which the keys are to be placed.
To use PQ-SELECT you must first construct a list by using one of the list processing commands such as SELECT, SSELECT , QSELECT, BSELECT, GET-LIST, FORM-LIST, SEARCH or ESEARCH. Put the PQ-SELECT command in the stack so that it will be processed as part of the external job stream when the required list is active.
Retrieve the list elements one at a time, using a "!n" direct or an indirect reference.
You cannot execute PQ-SELECT directly from the shell.
001 PQN
003 STON
005 P
006 10 MV %1 !1
007 IF # %1 X Done
008 T %1
009 GO
This example selects all the records in the SALES file, loads the record-list into select register 1 and displays the keys one at a time.
Executed from a jCL
program, resets
the pointer of a specified select register to the beginning of the list of
record keys.
PQ-RESELECT register-number
register-number is the number (1 to 5) of the select register to be reset.
This command is executed from the primary output buffer to reset the pointer of a specified select register back to the beginning of the list.
Each time you use the "!" reference to retrieve a value from the list, the value is not destroyed. The pointer is simply advanced to the next parameter in the list. PQ-RESELECT resets the pointer back to the beginning of the list so that you can perform another pass.
You cannot execute PQ-RESELECT directly from the shell.
MV %1 !1
IF # %1 XNo records selected
10 MV %1 !1
IF # %1 XFinished
Copies a parameter from the active input
buffer to the active output buffer.
c |
specifies a character to surround the string being copied. Can be any non-numeric character except left parenthesis "(" or backslash "\". |
\ |
specifies that the value is to be concatenated with the current parameter in the active output buffer. |
p |
specifies the number of the parameter to be copied. If p is not specified, the current parameter will be copied. |
n |
specifies the starting column in the PIB. Copying continues until the end of the parameter is reached or the number of characters specified by m has been copied. |
Used on its own, the A command will copy the parameter pointed to from the active input buffer to the active output buffer.
The A command can also be used with the IF command.
If the active input buffer pointer is at the end of the buffer, the A command will have no effect.
The c option is often used when you need to surround keys with single quotes, or values with double quotes.
If you include an n or m specification, the PIB will be selected. If the destination is the SOB (stack is "on"), c will be ignored.
If the stack is "off" (the POB is active), the A command will put the data in the output buffer as a separate parameter. The buffer pointers in the primary output buffer will be positioned at the field mark at the end of the copied parameter.
If the stack is "on" (the SOB is active), the A command will concatenate the value to the previous parameter in the output buffer. It will continue to copy until a field mark is encountered. When complete, the buffer pointers will be positioned at the end of the secondary output buffer.
Command |
PIB Before |
PIB After |
A |
^ |
^ |
POB Before |
POB After |
^ |
^ |
Note the position of the buffer pointer after you issue the A command.
Command |
PIB Before |
PIB After |
A |
^ |
^ |
POB Before |
POB After |
^ |
^ |
Issuing an A"3 command would have achieved the same result, except that the starting position of the PIB pointer would have been immaterial.
Command |
PIB Before |
PIB After |
A\ |
^ |
^ |
POB Before |
POB After |
XXX^ |
^ |
^ |
Command |
PIB Before |
PIB After |
A2 (2,-2) |
^ |
^ |
POB Before |
POB After |
^ |
^ |
The command attempts to copy the second parameter from the PIB, starting with the second character, up to and including, the penultimate character, to the current output buffer.
Moves the active input buffer pointer
back to the previous parameter.
The input buffer pointer is moved backwards to the preceding field mark or to the beginning of the input buffer. If the pointer is on the first character of a parameter (or a field marker), the pointer will be moved back to the field mark of the previous parameter.
Command |
PIB Before |
PIB After |
B |
Command |
PIB Before |
PIB After |
B |
Moves the active output buffer pointer
back by one parameter.
The buffer pointer will move backward until it finds a field mark or the start of the buffer.
To completely clear the buffer, use the RO command. To clear specific parameters, use the MV #n command
Command |
POB Before |
POB After |
BO |
Command |
SOB Before |
SOB After |
BO |
Displays the current parameter of the
active input buffer or specific parameters from the PIB.
n specifies the number of the PIB parameter to be displayed. If n is set to 0 (zero), all parameters in the primary input buffer will be displayed.
+ inhibits a NEWLINE at the end of output.
D with no other qualifiers will display the current parameter of the active input buffer.
The pointer position will not be changed.
Command |
Active Input Buffer |
Display |
D |
Command |
Active Input Buffer |
Display |
D3 |
Command |
Active Input Buffer |
Display |
D0 |
Displays the current parameter of the
active input buffer or specific parameters from the PIB.
n specifies the number of the PIB parameter to be displayed. If n is set to 0 (zero), all parameters in the primary input buffer will be displayed.
+ inhibits a NEWLINE at the end of output.
D with no other qualifiers will display the current parameter of the active input buffer.
The pointer position will not be changed.
Command |
Active Input Buffer |
Display |
D |
Command |
Active Input Buffer |
Display |
D3 |
Command |
Active Input Buffer |
Display |
D0 |
Displays the current value of LastError.
The DE command is mainly used when debugging your jCL programs.
If LastError contains 404]61^QLNUMSEL, the DE command will display:
Turns debug function on or off.
When the DEBUG function is turned on, your jCL program will be suspended before each command (line) is executed. You will see the program name and the next command to be executed, and you will be prompted to enter one of the following commands:
Command |
Description |
<Enter> |
execute current line |
? |
display list of available commands |
e |
toggle last error display |
f |
toggle file buffer display |
h |
display list of available commands |
i |
toggle input buffer display |
n |
toggle next line display between one and two lines |
o |
toggle output buffer display |
q |
quit (terminate) program |
x |
exit DEBUG function |
After each input, the program name and the next line to be executed will be redisplayed, together with any additional information requested (for example, the content of the input buffers).
Moves the active input buffer pointer
forward to the next parameter.
The input buffer pointer is moved forward to the next field mark, or to the end of the buffer.
Command |
PIB Before |
PIB After |
F |
Command |
PIB Before |
PIB After |
F |
Provides a range of arithmetic
element |
operators or operands (see below) |
?P |
moves the result (top stack entry) into the current parameter of the primary input buffer. |
?r |
moves the result (top stack entry) into the reference r. Can be a direct or indirect reference to a buffer. |
+ |
Add last stack entry and penultimate stack entry. Store the result in stack entry 1. |
- |
Subtract last stack entry from penultimate stack entry. Store the result in stack entry 1. |
* |
Multiply the last two stack entries. Store the result in stack entry 1. |
/ |
Divide stack entry 2 by stack entry 1. Store the result in stack entry 1. |
R |
Divide stack entry 2 by stack entry 1. Store the remainder in stack entry 1. |
_ |
Reverse the last two stack entries. |
r |
A direct or indirect reference to a buffer or select register value to be put on the stack. |
{C}literal |
Literal value specified by literal. |
The F; command uses a stack processor similar to, the one used by the F; function in jQL .
Commands are processed from left to right.
Each operand pushes a value on to the top of the push-down/pop-up stack.
The result of a calculation can be copied into any buffer with the question mark (?) operator.
Command |
PIB Before |
PIB After |
F;C100;%2;-;?%3 |
6^8^999^7^GHI |
6^8^92^7^GHI |
Stack |
100 |
%2 pushes a value of 8 (the 2nd parameter of the PIB) onto the stack.
Stack |
100 |
8 |
-subtracts last entry from penultimate entry, and replaces last entry 1 with the result of 92.
Stack |
92 |
?%3 then copies the result to the 3rd parameter of the PIB, replacing the old value.
Clears the specified file buffer.
F-CLEAR file-buffer
F-C file-buffer
file-buffer is the number (1 to 9) of the file buffer to be cleared.
This command is equivalent to using the MV file-buffer.0 ",_ command
001 PQN
002 F-C 1
003 MV &1.0 "Key", "Field 1"
Clear file buffer 1. Set the record key to "Key" and the first field to "Field 1". Functionally equivalent to MV &1.0 "Key", " Field1",_. (Note the use of the underscore character as the last character of the command.)
Deletes a record from a file.
F-DELETE file-buffer
F-D file-buffer
file-buffer is the number (1 to 9) of the file buffer, which is associated with the file containing the record to be deleted.
The record specified in field zero (&f.0) of the file buffer will be deleted. If the record does not exist, the command will have no effect.
The content of the file buffer is not altered.
An outstanding record lock will be released.
The file must have been opened with an F-OPEN command.
001 PQN
002 10 T "File name :",+
003 IBP %1
004 F-O 1 %1
005 T "File ", %1, " does not exist!"\ GO
006 MV &1.0 "Key"
007 F-D 1
If the file cannot be opened by the F-O command, the line immediately following the command will be executed (see the F-O command). If the file is opened, "Key" is moved into field 0 of file buffer 1. F-D 1 then attempts to delete record "Key" from the file.
Releases a record lock set by the
F-UREAD command.
F-FREE {file-buffer {key}}
F-F {file-buffer {key}}
file-buffer specifies a file buffer (1 to 9) assigned by an F-OPEN command.
key is the key of the record to be unlocked. Can be a literal (not enclosed in quotes), or a direct or indirect reference to a buffer or select register.
If file-buffer is not specified, all record locks set by the jCL program on the current port, within the current context level will be released.
If key is not specified, any outstanding locks for the current file will be released.
Record locks are also released by F-WRITE or F-DELETE commands, and at the end of the jCL program. Use the LIST-LOCKS command to see which records are currently locked.
Unlocks all records previously locked by this jCL program.
Unlocks the record specified by the key in field zero of file buffer 1.
F-F 1 Key
Unlocks the record "Key" in the file associated with file buffer 1.
Closes a specified file buffer.
F-K file-buffer
file-buffer is the number (1 to 9) of the file buffer to be closed.
F-KLOSE is normally only used when you have finished working with a remote file and need to close it.
F-K 1
Closes file buffer 1.
Clears a file buffer and opens a file
for reading and writing.
{DICT} file-name{,data-section-name}
F-O file-buffer {DICT}
file-buffer is the number (1 to 9) of the file buffer with which the file is to be associated.
DICT specifies the dictionary section of file-name, if required.
file-name is the name of the file to be opened. Can be a literal (not enclosed in quotes), or a direct or indirect reference to a buffer or select register.
data-section-name specifies an alternative data section of file-name.
error-cmd-line is the line immediately after the F-OPEN command. Only executed if the specified file cannot be opened.
If the file cannot be opened, the line immediately after the F-OPEN command will be executed. If the file is opened successfully, this line will be ignored.
File buffers are maintained when control is transferred between jCL programs.
The file will remain open until closed (see the F-KLOSE command) or until the end of the program.
001 PQN
002 F-OPEN
003 X ERROR: Can’t find the Sales File!
004 T C, (5,10), "Welcome to...",+
.If the SALES file is opened, execution continues with line 004. Otherwise, the
program terminates with an appropriate error message.
Reads a record from an open file into a
file buffer.
file-buffer key
F-R file-buffer key
file-buffer is the number (1 to 9) of the file buffer with which the file is associated.
key is the key of the record to be read. Can be a literal (not enclosed in quotes), or a direct or indirect reference to a buffer or select register.
error-cmd-line is the line immediately after the F-READ command. Only executed if the specified record cannot be read.
If an associated file has not been opened (see the F-OPEN command), the program will terminate with an error message.
If the specified record is not on file, the line immediately following the F-READ command will be executed. If the read is successful, this line will be ignored.
001 PQN
002 F-OPEN
003 X ERROR: Can’t find the Sales File!
004 T C, (5, 10), "Welcome to...",+
015 F-READ
016 X ERROR: Record ABC not found!
017 T "Record ABC found"
Attempts to read record ABC from the SALES file into file buffer 1. If record ABC is not found, the program terminates with an appropriate error message. If the record is found, the message on line 17 is displayed and execution continues.
Reads and locks a record from an open
file into a file buffer.
F-UREAD file-buffer key
F-UR file-buffer key
file-buffer is the number (1 to 9) of the file buffer with which the file is associated.
key is the key of the record to be read and locked. Can be a literal (not enclosed in quotes), or a direct or indirect reference to a buffer or select register.
error-cmd-line is the line immediately after the F-UREAD command. Only executed if the specified record cannot be read.
The F-UREAD command is identical to the F-READ command, except that it also locks the record against access by another process, thus eliminating simultaneous updates.
If you attempt to F-UREAD a record, which is already locked, execution will be suspended until the other process unlocks the record.
Record locks are released by F-DELETE, F-WRITE or F-FREE commands, or when the program terminates.
It is good practice to F-UREAD a record before you create it. This will reserve the key in the file and avoid double updates. Remember though that the command line immediately following the F-UREAD command will be executed because the record does not exist.
Writes the contents of a file buffer as
a record.
F-W file-buffer
file-buffer is the number (1 to 9) of the file buffer with which the target file is associated.
The key of the record is contained in field zero of the file buffer. If this field is null, the record will not be written.
F-WRITE will not alter the contents of the file buffer.
You should not normally attempt to write a record unless you have first locked it with an F-UREAD command. The lock will be released when the F-WRITE is complete.
If the file has not been opened (see the F-OPEN command), the program will terminate with an error message.
001 PQN
002 F-OPEN
003 X ERROR: Can’t find the Sales File!
004 T C, (5, 10), "Welcome to...",+
016 F-F 1 \ G 1002
017 T "Record ABC found"
018 MV &1.2 "Field 2"
Line 15 reads and locks record ABC in file SALES. If the record does not exist, the lock is released on line 16 and control is transferred to label 1002. If the record is read successfully, field 2 is overwritten on line 18. The record is then written back to the file on line 19 and unlocked.
Reads a record from a file into the
special "fast" buffer without having to open the file first.
FB {DICT} file-name{,data-section-name}
{key} error-cmd-line
FB ({DICT} file-name{,data-section-name} {key}) error-cmd-line
DICT specifies the dictionary section of file-name, if required.
file-name is the name of the file to be opened. Can be a literal (not enclosed in quotes), or a direct or indirect reference to a buffer or select register.
data-section-name specifies an alternative data section of file-name.
key is
the key of the record to be read. Can be a literal (not enclosed in quotes), or
a direct or indirect reference to a buffer or select register. If key is not
specified, the value at the active input buffer
pointer is used to supply the key.
error-cmd-line is the line immediately after the FB command. Only executed if the specified file cannot be opened or the record read.
Each time you use the FB command, the previous contents of the buffer will be overwritten.
The FB command is useful if you are only reading one record from a file. Otherwise, you should use the F-OPEN and F-READ commands.
If the specified record is not on file, or if the file does not exist, the line immediately following the FB command will be executed. If the read is successful, this line will be ignored.
Subsequent references to the fast buffer use a special syntax. For example, to refer to the second field of a record in the fast buffer, you would use &2.
001 PQN
003 T "ABC not on file" / G 1001
004 MV %3 &2
The FB command on line 2 attempts to read record ABC from file SALES. If the record cannot be found for any reason, a message is output and control transferred to label 1001 by line 3. If the record is read successfully, execution continues at line 004, which moves field 2 of the record into parameter 3 of the PIB.
001 PQN
002 T C, (5, 10), "Name :",+
003 IP %2
004 FB SALES %2
005 T "New record"
006 T "Area :",+
007 IP %3
Here the user is prompted for a name (the record key) and the fast buffer is used to read the record from the SALES file. If the record does not exist, a message is output but processing continues.
Transfers control to the statement
following the most recent M (mark) command executed.
GO B goes back to the last executed M, no matter where it is located in the program.
If a "mark" has not previously been executed, the program will terminate with an error message:
Can't find mark at line n in programname
001 PQN
010 MV #1 "SSELECT
011 STON
012 MV #1 "PQ-SELECT
013 P
014 M
015 MV %1 !1
016 IF # %1 GO
017 C Process the record
025 GO B
026 M
Lines 10 to 13 create a sorted list of the records in the SALES file. After each record is processed, the GO B command on line 25 returns control to the M command on line 14. When the end of the list is reached, the IF command on line 16 transfers control to the M command on line 26.
001 PQN
009 MV %1 ","
010 M
011 IF # %1 GO
012 M
013 IF # %2 GO 40
014 GO 50
015 30 MV %1 "ABC"
016 GO B
017 40 MV %2 "DEF"
018 GO B
019 50 ....
This example simply serves to demonstrate how the GO B command will remember the last M command rather than search backwards for it. First, the values in %1 and %2 are set to null in line 9 and the M at line 10 is recorded. When control reaches line 11, %1 is tested and control is transferred to label 30 on line 15. The intervening M command (at line 12) is not recorded. Line 15 assigns a value of ABC to %1 and line 16 transfers control back to the M on line 10. %1 does have a value now, so control moves on to line 12 and the M on this line is recorded. Next, %2 is tested at line 13 and control is transferred to label 40 on line 17. When the GO B is processed on line 18, control is transferred back to line 12.
Transfers control to the statement
containing the next M (mark) command.
The program is scanned forward from the current line, until the next M command is found. Program execution then jumps to that line.
If an M command cannot be found, the jCL program will terminate with an error message:
Can't find mark at line n in programname
001 PQN
005 GO
006 10 MV %1 "ABC"
007 MV %6 "DEF"
008 MV %10 "HIJ"
009 M
The GO F command on line 5 causes the program to be scanned from line 6, looking for the next M command. In this case, control will be transferred to line 9.
Transfers control to a specific
GOSUB label] label... (Multivalued form)
label specifies the label, which marks the required subroutine.
When an RSUB statement is encountered, control is transferred back to the line immediately following the calling GOSUB .
See also "[ ] {n}" command.
To use the multivalued form of the GOSUB command, you must specify one label for each result of a multiple comparison. For example:
IF %2 = A]B]C]D GOSUB 1000]2000]3000]4000
Separate the test values and the destination labels with value marks (ctrl ]).
Note that this is a special case of the GOSUB command. If you need to mix command types in the resulting actions, you should not use this form of the GOSUB command. You can still achieve the same effect but each result must contain a separate command. For example:
IF %2 = A]B]" GOSUB 1000]GOSUB 2000]XFinished
In this case, if the result of the test for null is true the program will terminate with a suitable message.
011 T "Returned from GOSUB"
031 1000 T "In subroutine"
032 IP %1
033 RSUB
The GOSUB command on line 10 transfers control to label 1000 on line 31. When the RSUB on line 33 is processed, control returns to line 11.
Transfers control unconditionally to
another location in the program.
G label
GOTO label
GO label] label... (Multivalued
form used with multivalued IF command)
label specifies the location from which execution is to continue.
If the label has not already been encountered in the program, GOTO will search for the label, from the current position. The target label must be found at the beginning of a command line, separated from the command by at least one space.
If the label cannot be found, or is defined more than once, the program will terminate with an error message.
To use the multivalued form of the GO command, you must specify one label for each result of a multiple comparison. For example:
IF %2 = A]B]C]D GO 10]20]30]40
Separate the test values and the destination labels with value marks (ctrl ]).
Note that this is a special case of the GO command. If you need to mix command types in the resulting actions, you should not use this form of the GO command. You can still achieve the same effect but each value must contain a separate command. For example:
IF %2 = A]B]C]" GO 10]GO 20]GO 30]XFinished
In this case, if the result of the test for null is true the program will terminate with a suitable message.
001 PQN
002 F-OPEN
003 G 1001
004 T C, (5, 10), "Welcome to...",+
087 1001 T "ERROR: Can"t find the Sales File!"
088 IP %99
089 RTN
If the SALES file is opened, execution continues with line 004. Otherwise, control is transferred to label 1001 on line 87.
022 5 T "Option :",+
023 IP %1
024 IF %1 = A]B]C GO
025 GOTO 5
This example transfers control to label 10 if "A" is entered, to label 20 if "B" is entered and to label 30 if "C" is entered. If the response is not recognized, control transfers back to label 5.
Places a text string in the active
output buffer.
text-string is the text to be placed in the active output buffer. Can be a literal (not enclosed in quotes), or a direct or indirect reference to a buffer or select register.
The H command is used to place a text string in the currently active output buffer. Use the POB, to create a shell command. Use the SOB to create secondary commands (such as PQ-SELECT ) or to "stack" a series of inputs required by the active process.
The string is moved into the buffer starting at the current location of the buffer pointer. At the end of the operation, the buffer pointer will be positioned immediately after the last character in the string.
If quotes are used to delimit the string everything within quotes will be treated as a single field and the string will be moved into the buffer as a single parameter.
If quotes are not used, each group of one or more spaces in the string will be replaced by a field mark as the text is moved into the buffer. Include a leading space if you want to add a new parameter. If you want to concatenate the string to the current buffer parameter, do not use a leading space.
The P command is used to process the contents of the POB and SOB.
When the shell command is issued, field marks will be replaced by spaces and a carriage return will be appended automatically.
A carriage return is not appended automatically to output from the SOB. Terminate each line with a less than character (<) to represent a carriage return.
001 PQN
002 HSLEEP 10
003 P
Forces the process to sleep for 10 seconds.
Command |
POB Before |
POB After |
H |
H (P) |
Note how COPY and SALES have become separate parameters but ABC and -DEF have been concatenated.
001 PQN
003 STON
006 P
Places text in the active input buffer
whilst retaining embedded spaces and applying any required input/output
text is the text to be placed in the active input buffer. Can be a literal (not enclosed in quotes), or a direct or indirect reference to a buffer or select register.
reference is a direct or indirect reference to a buffer or select register.
input-conversion is a jQL input conversion to be applied to the string before putting it in the buffer.
output-conversion is a jQL output conversion to be applied to the string before putting it in the buffer.
The IBH command works in the same way as the IH command except that the string is moved as a single parameter and all spaces are maintained.
Depending on the position of the buffer pointer, IBH will either replace an existing parameter or adds a new parameter to the end of the input buffer. The rules are as follows:
If the buffer pointer is at the beginning of an existing parameter, that parameter will be replaced with the new string.
If the buffer pointer is within an existing parameter, IBH will concatenate the new string (without inserting a field mark), starting at the current location of the buffer pointer.
If the buffer pointer is at the end of the input buffer, a new parameter will be created and the buffer pointer will be left pointing to the field mark preceding the new parameter.
In all cases, the position of the buffer pointer will remain unchanged.
Conversions containing colons or semicolons will not work (for example IBH;G1;1;).
Command |
PIB Before |
PIB After |
Command |
PIB Before |
PIB After |
File buffer 1 contains:
000 Key
001 11350
Command |
PIB Before |
PIB After |
IBH&1.1:D2: |
AA^BB^27 JAN 99^DD |
Prompts for input, places the entered
data in the secondary input buffer as a single parameter and maintains embedded
spaces. The secondary input buffer becomes as the active input buffer.
c is an optional prompt character, which, once used, remains in effect until a new IBN, IBP, IN or IP command is issued. If c is not specified, the prompt character will default to the last prompt character used, or to a colon (:).
The IBN command is similar to the IN command except that the input string is placed in the buffer as a single parameter and all spaces are maintained.
The new data replaces the content of the secondary input buffer, and the secondary input buffer will remain active until an RI, S(n) or MV %n source command is used.
If the user responds with ENTER only, a null parameter will be created.
Input |
SIB Before |
SIB After |
Input |
SIB Before |
SIB After |
Input |
SIB Before |
SIB After |
Prompts for input from the terminal. Input data is kept as a single parameter and embedded spaces are retained.
c is an optional prompt character, which, once used, remains in effect until a new IBN, IBP, IN or IP command is issued. If c is not specified, the prompt character will default to the last prompt character used, or to a colon (:).
r is a direct or indirect reference to a buffer or select register which is to receive the data. If you use a reference, the prompt character c must be specified.
The IBP command is similar to the IP command except that the input is placed in the buffer as a single parameter and embedded spaces are maintained.
If you do not specify a buffer reference, the active input buffer will be used.
The new data will always replace the parameter pointed to by the buffer pointer but the position of the pointer will not be changed.
If the user responds with RETURN only, a null parameter will be created.
PIB Before Input
PIB After
PIB Before Input
PIB After
PIB Before Input
PIB After
File Buffer 2 Input
File Buffer 2
IBP:&2.2 000 Key
BBB 000 Key
001 AAA
001 AAA
002 XXX
002 BBB
003 CCC
003 CCC
File Buffer 2 Input
File Buffer 2
IBP:&2.2 000 Key
> 000 Key
001 AAA
001 AAA
002 XXX
003 CCC
003 CCC
Conditionally executes a command depending on the presence or absence of an error message after running a shell command.
IF {#} E command
IF E operator msg-key command
# tests for the absence of an error message.
performs a value comparison. Operators are:
= Equal to
# Not equal to.
msg-key is the key of a system message from the error file.
command is a valid jCL command.
Any system messages generated as a result of running a shell command (see the P command) will cause the system message number to be placed in the SIB, in multivalue format. The value tested is the first multivalue (the STOP code) of the error text returned from the last command.
The IF E command is most often used to test for an error condition but can be used to detect any resulting system message. IF # E command tests for the absence of a system message.
Some jCL commands, particularly those that operate on the PIB, will destroy the contents of the secondary input buffer. You should therefore use the IF E command as soon as control returns from the shell command.
022 PH
023 IF E = 401 G 100
If the SALES file does not contain any records, which match the criteria, the system will generate the message "No records counted". Using the PH command will stop the message being output on the terminal but the message key 401 will still be placed in the SIB where it can be detected by line 23.
Allows conditional execution of jCL commands based on the evaluation of an expression, or the presence (or absence) of a reference.
IF{#} reference command
IF reference operator expression command
# tests for the absence of a value.
reference can be a direct or indirect reference to a buffer or select register, or an A command without a surround character. Using an A command will not move a value but simply provides a reference to the parameter to be tested.
operator performs a value comparison. Operators are:
= |
Equal to |
# |
Not equal to |
< |
Less than |
> |
Greater than |
[ |
Less than or equal to |
] |
Greater than or equal to |
expression follows the operator and can be one of the following:
A direct or indirect reference to a buffer or select register.
A string. If the string contains embedded spaces or the first character is an exclamation mark (!), percent sign (%) or ampersand (&), enclose the string in single or double quotes.
A pattern format string. Refer to the IF (with Mask) command.
command is any valid jCL command.
If the test result is true, the command at the end of the statement is executed. If the test yields false, command is ignored and processing continues with the next line.
Buffer pointers will not be moved if you use a direct or indirect reference to a buffer or select register.
Comparative tests are performed on a character-by-character, left-to- right basis. For example, AAB is greater than AAAB and 20 is greater than 100. Use the IFN command if you want to perform numeric comparisons. You can use also perform multiple conditional tests in a single statement. For example:
IF %1 > A IF %1 < D T %1 is B or C
021 IF %1 T "%1 is not null"
022 IF # %1 T "%1 is null"
023 ...
Line 21 tests for a value in the 1st parameter of the PIB and outputs a message if the parameter is not null. Line 22 tests for opposite case.
021 IF &1.1 = ABC GO
022 MV %3 &1.1
023 10 ...
If &1.1 contains ABC execution will branch to line 23. Otherwise, the value in &1.1 will be moved into %3.
010 T "Continue (Y/n) :",+
011 IP %1
012 S1
013 IF # A G 10
014 IF A(1,1) = Y G 10
015 IF A(1,1) = y G 10
016 XFinished
017 10 ...
If the user enters Y, y or <ENTER> to the prompt on line 11, execution will continue at label 10 on line 17. Otherwise, the program will terminate.
Compares an expression with one of several different expressions or values, and conditionally executes one of several commands.
IF reference =
expression{]expression}... command{]command]}...
IF reference # expression{]expression}... command.
reference can be a direct or indirect reference to a buffer or select register, or an A command without a surround character. Using an A command will not move a value but simply provides a reference to the parameter to be tested.
expression follows the operator and can be one of the following:
A direct or indirect reference to a buffer or select register.
A string. If the string contains embedded spaces or the first character is an exclamation mark (!), percent sign (%) or ampersand (&), enclose the string in single or double quotes.
A pattern format string. Refer to the IF (with Mask) command.
] represents a value mark (Ctrl ])
command is any valid jCL command.
The multivalues feature of the IF command enables one IF statement to be used instead of a series.
Do not use O or X commands unless they are the last in the series. Commands after an O or X will be ignored.
The equal (=) operator, will perform a logical OR on the expressions. If the reference is equal to any expression, the condition is true. If more than one expression is true, the command corresponding to the first true expression is executed. If there are more expressions than commands, and the true expression does not have a corresponding command, the last command in the series will be executed. If there are more commands than expressions, remaining commands are ignored.
If you use the not equal (#) operator, a logical AND is performed on the expressions. The reference must not equal any expression in the series for the condition to be true. In this case, the first command specified is executed. Subsequent commands are ignored.
If a direct or indirect reference to a buffer or select register identifies a multivalued parameter, the same jCL statement is executed regardless of which of the multivalues is true. This means that each value will not access a different command - as it would have if you had specified it directly in the IF statement. For example:
MV %1 A]B]C]D
IF %1 = X]Y]Z]C GO
will cause program execution to continue from label 40.
To use the special multivalued forms of the GO and GOSUB commands, you must specify one label for each result of a multiple comparison. For example:
IF %2 = A]B]C]D GO 10]20]30]40
Note that this is a special case of the GO and GOSUB commands. If you need to mix command types in the resulting actions, you should not use this form of the GO and GOSUB commands. You can still achieve the same effect but each result must contain a separate command. For example:
IF %2 = A]B]C]" GO 10]GO 20]GO 30]XFinished
In this case, if the result of the test for null is true the program will terminate with a suitable message.
IF %1 = A]B]C G 10
If %1 is equal to A, B or C, control is transferred to label 10.
IF %2 # "AA"]&1.1](2N)]" GOSUB 1001
If %2 is not equal to AA, the content of &1.1, two numerics or null, control is transferred to subroutine 1001.
IF %3 = (#0N)]($ON) GO 10]MV #4 "DOLLARS"
If %3 equals a pound sign (#) followed
by any (or no) numerics, control transfers to the statement with label 10.
If %3 equals a dollar sign ($) followed by any (or no) numerics, the string
"DOLLARS" is moved into the output buffer.
Conditionally executes commands based on a comparison with a specified pattern.
IF reference operator (pattern) command
reference can be a direct or indirect reference to a buffer or select register, or an A command without a surround character. Using an A command will not move a value but simply provides a reference to the parameter to be tested.
operator performs a value comparison. Operators are:
Equal to.
# Not equal to.
(pattern) is a format string enclosed in parentheses that tests for a specified numeric, alphanumeric or alphabetic string. A pattern format string can consist of any combination of the following:
(nA) |
Tests for n alphabetic characters. If n is 0 (zero), any number (or no) alphabetic characters are assumed to match. |
(nC) |
Tests for n alphanumeric characters. If n is 0 (zero), any number (or no) alphanumeric characters are assumed to match. |
(nN) |
Tests for n numeric characters. If n is 0 (zero), any number (or no) numeric characters are assumed to match. |
(nP) |
Tests for n printable characters. If n is 0 (zero), any number (or no) printable characters are assumed to match. |
(nX) |
Tests for n characters. If n is 0 (zero), any number (or no) characters are assumed to match. |
(string) |
Tests for one or more specified characters. If string contains numeric characters, %, #, &, !, or spaces, it must be enclosed in quotes. |
For example, the pattern (2N"-"3A"-"2N) specifies a format of two numeric characters, a hyphen, three alphabetic characters, another hyphen and then two numeric characters.
command is a valid jCL command.
0X can only be used as the last specification in a pattern.
A null value will match any of the defined patterns such as (0A), (0N), or (0X).
If you want to test for spaces in the
pattern, use double quotes, for example:
IF %n = (2A" "3N" "0X)
Ambiguous literal strings must be enclosed in quotes.
IF %3 = (3N1A) GO 10
If %3 matches three numerics followed by one alphabetic character, branch to label 10.
IF &1.2 # (2N"AAA") GOSUB 1001
If &1.2 does not equal two numerics followed by AAA, control will be transferred to subroutine 1001.
IF %1 # (2N*2A*0N) MV %1 "99*AA*1234"
If %1 does not equal two numerics, an asterisk, two alphabetics, an asterisk, and a number (or no numerics), move a string that does into %1.
IF &1.1 = ("(6X)") GO 100
If &1.1 contains "(ABC123)", control will be transferred to label 100.
IF &1.1 = ("("0X")") GO 100
If &1.1 contains "(ABC123)", control will not be transferred to label 100.
IF &1.1 = ("("0X) GO 100
If &1.1 contains "(ABC123)", control will be transferred to label 100.
Conditionally executes a command
depending on the presence or absence of an active select list.
IF {#} S command
# tests for the absence of an active select list.
command is a valid jCL command.
IF S will execute command if there is an active select list. IF # S will execute command if there is not an active select list.
022 PH
023 IF S
G 100
If the SELECT command generates an active select list, control will be transferred to label 100.
Allows conditional execution of commands
depending on the result of numeric comparisons.
IFN reference operator expression command
reference can be a direct or indirect reference to a buffer or select register, or an A command without a surround character. Using an A command will not move a value but simply provides a reference to the parameter to be tested.
operator performs a value comparison. Operators are:
= |
equal to |
# |
not equal to |
< |
less than |
> |
greater than |
[ |
less than or equal to |
] |
greater than or equal to |
expression can be one of the following:
A direct or indirect reference to a buffer or select register.
A string. If the string contains embedded spaces or the first character is an exclamation mark (!), percent sign (%) or ampersand (&), enclose the string in single or double quotes.
command is a valid jCL command.
IFN tests numbers by value, rather than their ASCII sequence of characters.
Leading zeros are ignored, as are trailing decimal zeros. For example, if %1 contains 00123.000, IFN %1 = 123 will be true.
If a submitted value equates to null or is non-numeric, zero will be used. Leading plus or minus signs are allowed.
IFN %1 > 50 G 100
If %1 is greater than 50, control will be transferred to label 100.
IFN %1 [ 0 G 100
If %1 is less than or equal to 0, control will be transferred to label 100.
IFN A < %3 G 100
If the current parameter is less than %3, control will be transferred to label 100.
Places a text string in the active input
buffer, clears an existing parameter, or creates new null parameters.
IH \
text is the text to be placed in the active input buffer. Can be a literal (not enclosed in quotes), or a direct or indirect reference to a buffer or select register. The text must not contain subvalue marks.
reference is a direct or indirect reference to a buffer or select register.
input-conversion is a jQL input conversion to be applied to the string before putting it in the buffer.
output-conversion is a jQL output conversion to be applied to the string before putting it in the buffer.
\ (backslash). If there is no preceding space, the current parameter in the active input buffer will be nulled. If there is a preceding space, a new null parameter will be created at the current buffer pointer position. A backslash in any other position will be treated as part of the literal text.
Each group of one or more spaces in the text will be replaced with a single field mark, thereby creating new, separate parameters to replace the current single parameter. Leading and trailing spaces within text are ignored.
Use the IBH command if you want to insert text into the active input buffer as a single parameter with all blanks intact.
If the buffer pointer is at the beginning of an existing parameter, that parameter will be replaced by the new text.
If the buffer pointer is in the middle of a parameter, that parameter will be truncated from the current location and the new parameter (without a leading field mark) will be concatenated.
If the buffer pointer is at the end of the input buffer, one or more new parameters will be created.
The position of the buffer pointer will not be changed.
If the buffer pointer is at the start of a parameter, IH\ will null the parameter. The characters between the field marks are deleted but the field marks are retained.
If the buffer pointer is in the middle of a parameter, IH\ removes the remaining characters, from that point to the end of the parameter.
If the buffer pointer is at the end of the buffer, IH\ creates a new null parameter.
IH \ creates a new null parameter at the position pointed to by the input buffer pointer. Note the space between the H and the backslash character.
Command |
PIB Before |
PIB After |
Command |
PIB Before |
PIB After |
%3 contains 9873
Command |
PIB Before |
PIB After |
IH%3:D2: |
AB^CD^9873^GH |
AB^11^JAN^95^9873^GH |
Command |
PIB Before |
PIB After |
IH%4 |
This example demonstrates how, in effect, you can replace a space with a field mark within a parameter. The 4th parameter of the PIB is copied back into the same location but the space is replaced by a field mark.
Command |
PIB Before |
PIB After |
IH\ |
Command |
PIB Before |
PIB After |
S(7) |
IH\ |
This example demonstrates how to truncate a parameter.
Command |
PIB Before |
PIB After |
IH \ |
Command |
PIB Before |
PIB After |
IH \ |
Prompts for input and places it in the secondary input buffer. Selects the secondary input buffer as the active buffer input.
c is an optional prompt character, which, once used, remains in effect until a new IBN, IBP, IN or IP command is issued. If c is not specified, the prompt character will default to the last prompt character used, or to a colon (:).
The new data replaces the content of the SIB, and the SIB will remain active until an RI, S(n) or MV %n source command is used.
Leading and trailing spaces are removed and groups of one or more embedded spaces are replaced by a single field mark. Use the IBN command if you want to maintain embedded spaces.
If the user responds with ENTER only, a null parameter will be created.
When the command has been completed, the buffer pointer will be positioned at the beginning of the buffer.
Input |
SIB Before |
SIB After |
Input |
SIB Before |
SIB After |
Input |
SIB Before |
SIB After |
Prompts for input and places it into the active input buffer or a nominated buffer.
c is an optional prompt character, which, once used, remains in effect until a new IBN, IBP, IN or IP command is issued. If c is not specified, the prompt character will default to the last prompt character used, or to a colon (:).
r is a direct or indirect reference to a buffer or select register which is to receive the data. If you use a reference, the prompt character c must be specified.
If you do not specify a buffer reference, the active input buffer will be used.
The new data will replace the parameter at the current buffer pointer position but the pointer will not be moved.
Leading and trailing spaces will be removed and groups of one or more embedded spaces will be replaced by a single field mark. By replacing a parameter with data that contains spaces, you can insert several new parameters.
When you place data containing embedded spaces into a file buffer, the new parameters will replace successive fields in the buffer. For example, if the response to an IP?&2.1 command is:
fields one, two, and three, of file buffer 2 will be replaced with "AA", "BB", and "CC".
If the user responds with RETURN only, a null parameter will be created.
If you want to keep the input data exactly as entered, use the IBP command.
Command |
PIB Before |
Input |
PIB After |
IP? |
Command |
PIB Before |
Input |
PIB After |
IP? |
XX X |
Command |
PIB Before |
Input |
PIB After |
IP? |
Command |
File Buffer 2 Before |
Input |
File Buffer 2 After |
IP:&2.2 |
000 Key |
000 Key |
001 AAA |
001 AAA |
002 XXX |
002 BBB |
003 CCC |
003 CCC |
Command |
File Buffer 2 Before |
Input |
File Buffer 2 After |
IP:&2.2 |
000 Key |
000 Key |
001 AAA |
001 AAA |
002 XXX |
002 BB |
003 DDD |
003 CC |
004 DD |
Reads a tape record into the primary
input buffer.
C performs an EBCDIC to ASCII conversion before the data is put into the buffer.
A masks 8-bit ASCII characters to 7 bits (resets the most significant bit to a 0).
The IT command will read a tape record into the primary input buffer.
The new data will be placed at the beginning of the buffer and will replace all existing buffer data.
Command |
PIB Before |
PIB After |
IT |
tape data |
Formats printed output.
L element{, element}...
element can be any of the following:
"text" |
Prints literal text. Enclose the text in quotes. |
r{;input;} |
Prints the result of a direct or indirect reference to a buffer or select register ( r). If required, a jQL input conversion can be applied before output. |
r{:output:} |
Prints the result of a direct or indirect reference to a buffer or select register ( r). If required, a jQL output conversion can be applied before output. |
n |
Skips n lines before printing. You cannot use n in a HDR print format specification. |
(c) |
Sets the print position to column number c. Can be a direct or indirect reference to a buffer or select register. |
+ |
Suppresses NEWLINE being output at the end of the L command. You cannot use + in a HDR print format specification. |
C |
Closes the print file and forces printing. You cannot use C in a HDR print format specification. |
E |
Ejects to top-of-form (form feed). You cannot use E in a HDR print format specification. |
N |
Redirects subsequent printer output to the terminal. Normally only used for debugging. Must be the only element in an L command. |
Allow you to define a page heading. HDR, must be the first element in the L command. |
L |
Outputs a line feed in the heading. Only used in a HDR specification. |
P |
Outputs the current page number in a heading. Only used in a HDR specification. |
T |
Outputs current time and date in a heading. Only used in a HDR specification. |
Z |
Resets the current page number in a heading to zero. Only used in a HDR specification. |
Output from the L command creates (or adds to) a print file.
The print file will remain open until a shell command is issued by using the P command. If the shell command also generates print output, this will be added to the same print file. You can close the print file and avoid any unnecessary output by choosing any shell command, which does not generate print output, or by using the L C command. Alternatively, you can hold the print file open indefinitely by using the O option of the SP-ASSIGN command.
Create continuation lines (which do not start with an L) by terminating each preceding line with a comma (,).
A + specified as the last element the command will cause the output from the next L command to be appended.
If you specify a heading statement (HDR), which contains direct or indirect references, these will be evaluated (and included in the heading) as the command is processed. Subsequent changes to the source values will have no effect on the heading.
MV %1 "Quarter 4"
L 5,"Sales Report for ",%1
PAGE 1 10:25:17 10 OCT 1999
Sales Report for Quarter 4
Marks a destination for a GO
F or GO B
The M command is used with the GO B and GO F branch commands to mark the destination of the jump.
As a jCL program is executed it "remembers" the location of the last M command it passes through. When a GO B command is encountered, the program can then branch straight back to the remembered location. Remember that an M command must be executed for it to be remembered.
GO F scans forward from the current location until it finds an M command and then resumes execution from there.
If commands are grouped on a line, the M command must be the first command on the line.
See the GO B and GO F commands for examples of usage.
Move the entire content of the secondary
input buffer to the primary input buffer.
MS copies the entire content of the secondary input buffer and inserts the parameters before the parameter currently pointed to in the primary input buffer. The primary input buffer must be active when MS is executed. After the move, the secondary input buffer will be empty.
Hold file numbers are returned as Entry #n, where "n" is the hold file number.
001 PQN
003 P
005 P
006 S10
008 MS
The COPY command on line 4 creates a print file and the hold file number is written to the SIB. The S10 command on line 6 positions the PIB buffer pointer to parameter 10. The MS command on line 8 moves the contents of the SIB into the PIB starting at the 10th parameter of the PIB.
Copies data between buffers or between
buffers and select registers.
MV destination source{,source}...{,*{n}}{,_}
MV destination source{*source}...
destination |
is a direct or indirect reference to the destination buffer or select registers which is to receive that data. |
source |
is the data you want to copy. Can be a direct or indirect reference to a buffer or select register, or a literal string enclosed in single or double quotes. |
,* |
copies all source parameters starting with the specified parameter. If * is the last operand in the source field, the destination buffer or select register will be truncated after the last copied parameter. |
,*n |
copies the number of source parameters specified by n starting with the specified parameter. The destination buffer or select register will not be truncated. |
,_ |
specifies that the destination is to be truncated after the source is copied. |
*source |
specifies the source values are to be concatenated into one field in the destination buffer or select register. |
If the source is a literal string containing just two double quotes, the destination will be nulled.
If the input buffer (%n) is specified as the destination, it will be selected as the active input buffer and the buffer pointer will left at the beginning of any copied data.
If the field or parameter number in destination is larger than the current number of fields or parameters, intervening null values will be created automatically.
Specify an asterisk (*) as the last character in the source element if you want to copy all the following source buffer parameters. For example:
MV &2.2 %1,*
will copy the 1st parameter of the PIB to field 2 of file buffer 2. Parameter 2 of the PIB will be copied to field 3 and so on.
If you want to copy a series of parameters, specify the number of additional parameters to be copied after the asterisk. For example:
MV &2.2 %1,*3
will copy the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th parameters of the PIB into fields 2, 3, 4 and 5 of file buffer 2. The remainder of file buffer 2 will not be changed.
If you specify a series of values as the source, each value will copied to successive locations in the destination. For example:
MV %2 "ABC"*&2.1*!1
will copy ABC into PIB parameter 2, field 1 of file buffer 2 into PIB parameter 3, and the next value from select register 1 into PIB parameter 4.
Two or more source values separated with an asterisk (*), will be concatenated into a single parameter in the destination. For example:
MV %2 "ABC",&2.1,!1
will concatenate ABC, field 1 of file buffer 2 and the next value from select register 1, and place the result into PIB parameter 2.
Using commas as placeholders in the source can preserve intervening parameters in the destination. For example:
MV %1 "ABC",,,"DEF"
would copy ABC into PIB parameter 1 and DEF into PIB parameter 4. PIB parameters 2 and 3 would not be affected.
Command |
PIB Before |
PIB After |
MV %5 "XXX" |
ABC^^^^XXX |
Command |
PIB Before |
PIB After |
MV %4 %1 |
PIB contains: QTR^ABC^DEF
Command |
POB Before |
POB After |
MV #3 %1 |
Command |
PIB Before |
PIB After |
MV %1 "AA",,"CC" |
File buffer 2 contains:
000 Key
001 111
002 AAA
003 BBB
Command |
File Buffer 1 Before |
File Buffer 1 After |
MV &1.1 &2.2,* |
000 KEY1 |
000 KEY1 |
Command |
File Buffer 1 Before |
File Buffer 1 After |
MV &2.1 %3,_ |
000 Key |
000 Key |
Copies a value from the source to the
destination buffer and stores it as a multivalue.
MVA destination source
destination is a direct or indirect reference to a buffer or select register which is to receive the data.
source is the data to be copied. The source can be a direct or indirect reference to a buffer or select register, or a literal string.
New values will be copies to the destination in ascending ASCII sequence.
If a new value already exists in the destination buffer, it will not be copied.
If the source data is multivalued, it will be copied to the destination without modification. This might create duplicate values and invalidate the ascending sequence.
If the destination is the input buffer, the buffer pointer will be left at the beginning of the destination parameter.
PIB contains: ABC^DEF^GHI
Command |
File Buffer 1 Before |
File Buffer 1 After |
MVA &1.1 %3 |
000 Key |
000 Key |
File buffer 2 contains:
000 Key
001 GG]YY
002 AAA
Command |
File Buffer 1 Before |
File Buffer 1 After |
MVA &1.1 &2.1 |
000 Key |
000 Key |
Deletes a value from a multivalued
parameter in the target buffer.
MVD target source
target is a direct or indirect reference to a buffer or select register which contains the data to be deleted.
source is the data you want to delete. Can be a literal string, or a direct or indirect reference to a buffer or select register.
Values in the target must be in ascending ASCII sequence, otherwise the result of the command will be unpredictable.
If the source does not exist or if the multivalue cannot be matched, the command wills no effect, except perhaps to move the buffer pointer.
If the source element exists more than once in the target parameter, only the first occurrence will be deleted.
If the target is the primary input buffer, the buffer pointer will be left at the beginning of the specified target parameter.
Command |
File Buffer 1 Before |
File Buffer 1 After |
MVD &1.1 DEF |
000 Key |
000 Key |
Outputs a text string to the terminal.
text is the text to be displayed.
+ inhibits a NEWLINE at the end of the output and leaves the cursor positioned to the right of the last character displayed. This is often used when prompting for input.
The O command has largely been replaced by the T command, which also provides cursor positioning and special display features.
If no text is supplied, a blank line will be output.
Command |
Terminal output |
Command |
Terminal output |
OEnter Password + |
Enter Password : |
Submits the shell command created in the
primary output buffer for execution.
P displays the primary and secondary output buffers. In ROS emulation mode, displays the command and prompts to continue. Normally only used for testing or debugging.
H suppresses (hushes) any terminal output that would normally be displayed. The H and Ln options can be combined as PHLn.
Ln sets an execution lock where n represents a lock number from 0 to 255. The lock is after command has been executed. Any other process attempting to set the same lock is forced to wait. The H and Ln options can be combined as PHLn.
X terminates the program after the command is executed. Cannot be used with any other options.
U specifies that the command is to be submitted for execution by UNIX.
W causes the command to behave like PP when used in a non-ROS emulation.
When the P command is executed, control is passed to the shell and only returns when the shell process has been completed. After the P command has been executed, both output buffers are cleared and the stack is turned off.
Commands and data in the secondary output buffer are made available to processes, which require further input.
If you need to preserve buffer contents when passing control between jCL programs, use the ( ) or [ ] command instead.
If you use the PP variants (PP, PPH, and PPLn), the content of both output buffers will be displayed before they are executed and you will be prompted with a question mark (?). Enter:
to continue.
S to cancel execution but
continue the program.
N to cancel execution and
exit the program.
004 P
Copy the jQL command LIST SALES QTR VALUE to the output buffer and execute it.
004 STON
006 PP
Place the COPY command in the primary output buffer. Turn the stack on. Put the response to the TO: prompt into the secondary input buffer. Issue the PP command to display the contents of the buffers and prompt for input before continuing.
003 Henv | grep EMULATE
006 PU
Issue the UNIX grep command.
Resets (clears) the primary and
secondary input buffers.
p specifies starting parameter from which to clear to the end of the buffer. Can be a number, or a direct or indirect reference to a buffer or select register.
(n) specifies the starting column from which to clear to the end of the buffer. Can be a number, or a direct or indirect reference to a buffer or select register.
The RI command clears the entire PIB and SIB.
RIp clears the PIB starting from parameter p and continuing to the end of the buffer.
RI(n) clears the PIB starting from parameter n and continuing to the end of the buffer.
The buffer pointer will be left at the end of the PIB. The primary input buffer becomes the active buffer and the secondary input buffer will be cleared.
Command |
PIB Before |
PIB After |
RI |
Command |
PIB Before |
PIB After |
RI3 |
Command |
PIB Before |
PIB After |
RI(6) |
Resets (clears) the active output
The RO command clears the active output buffer.
The buffer pointer is left at the beginning of the buffer.
Command |
POB Before |
POB After |
RO |
Command |
SOB Before |
SOB After |
RO |
Terminates execution of a local
subroutine and returns control to a statement line following the GOSUB
command that
called the subroutine.
RSUB {n}
n specifies that control should be returned to the n'th statement line after the calling GOSUB . Can be a number, or a direct or indirect reference to a buffer or select register.
If n is not specified, control will return to the statement immediately following the calling GOSUB .
An RSUB without a corresponding GOSUB will ignored.
011 ...
012 ...
051 1001 T "Press <CR> to continue...",+
052 S10
052 IP?
053 RSUB
The RSUB command on line 53 will return control to line 11.
011 ...
012 ...
051 1001 T "Press <CR> to continue...",+
052 S10
052 IP?
053 RSUB 2
The RSUB command on line 53 will return control to line 12.
Terminates execution of an external
subroutine and returns control to a statement following the [ ] command that
called the subroutine.
n specifies that control should be returned to the n'th statement line after the calling [ ] command. Can be a number, or a direct or indirect reference to a buffer or select register.
If n is not specified, control will return to the statement immediately following the calling [ ] command.
A RTN without a corresponding [ ] command will terminate the program.
051 [SUBS MENU2] |
066 RTN |
052 |
053 |
jCL program MENU calls MENU2 from line 51. When MENU2 reaches line 66, control will be returned to MENU at line 52.
051 [SUBS MENU2] |
066 RTN 2 |
052 |
053 |
jCL program MENU calls MENU2 from line 51. When MENU2 reaches line 66, control will be returned to MENU at line 53.
Positions the primary input buffer
pointer to a specified parameter or column, and selects the primary input buffer
as active.
p specifies the parameter to which the buffer pointer should be set. Can be a number, or a direct or indirect reference to a buffer or select register.
(n) specifies the starting column to which the buffer pointer should be set. Can be a number, or a direct or indirect reference to a buffer or select register.
Sp sets the buffer pointer to the field mark preceding parameter p.
If the specified column or parameter number is less than 2, the buffer pointer is placed at the beginning of the active input buffer.
If the specified column or parameter number is beyond the end of the buffer, the buffer pointer will positioned at the end of the buffer. Use the MV command to create parameters beyond the current end of the buffer.
All data in the secondary input buffer will be cleared.
Command |
PIB Before |
PIB After |
S3 |
Command |
PIB Before |
PIB After |
S(4) |
12345^ABC |
12345^ABC |
Selects the primary output buffer as the
active output buffer.
The stack can be turned on (STON) or off (STOFF) at any point within a jCL program.
At the start of a jCL program or after execution of an RO or P command, both output buffers will be empty, and the stack will be off.
When the stack is off, H commands will place their data in the primary output buffer.
Selects the secondary output buffer as
the active output buffer.
The STON command selects the SOB as the active output buffer. With the stack turned on, all data moved to an output buffer with an MV, H or A command will be placed in the secondary output buffer.
The stack is often used to feed responses to interactive processes. It can also be used to store a series of commands that you might need for example when you are dealing with select lists. For example, do a GET-LIST, followed by a SORT -LIST and then run a jBC program.
Typically, you would create the command necessary to start the external job stream in the primary output buffer. Next you would turn the stack on and store all the necessary responses (or commands) to the external process. When you issue the P command to execute the external program, instead of taking it’s input from the terminal, the program will be fed directly from the stack.
Terminated successive responses in the stack, with a less-than-character (<) to represent a RETURN key depression. A single response or the last response in the stack does not require the less than character (<) because a RETURN is generated by the P command.
Command |
POB Before |
POB After |
SOB Before |
SOB After |
Produces formatted terminal output.
T element{, element}
element is literal text, a reference or a formatting instruction:
"text" |
Outputs the specified text. The text must be enclosed in double quotes. |
r{;input;} |
Outputs the value obtained by the direct or indirect reference to a buffer or select register specified by r. An optional jQL input conversion can be applied to the value prior to output. |
r{:output:} |
Outputs the value obtained by the direct or indirect reference to a buffer or select register specified by r. An optional jQL output conversion can be applied to the value prior to output. |
(c,r) |
Sets the cursor to the column c and row r. Can be direct or indirect buffer references. |
(c) |
Sets the cursor to the column c in the current row. |
*cn |
Outputs the character c n number of times. Value n can be a direct or indirect reference to a buffer or select register. |
(-n) |
Provides terminal independent cursor control or video effects. |
+ |
Outputs carriage return/line feed at the end of the output line. On ROS emulations, this clause will inhibit the carriage return/line feed at the end of the output line. |
B |
Sounds terminal bell. |
C |
Clears the screen (outputs top-of-form). |
D |
One-second delay. Often used when outputting error messages. |
Ir |
Converts the integer r (0 to 255) into its equivalent ASCII character. r can be a direct or indirect reference to a buffer or select register that contains the integer. |
L |
Terminates a loop started with a T element. The elements between the T and L are executed three times. |
Sn |
Outputs the number of spaces specified by n. The value n can be a direct or indirect reference to a buffer or select register than contains the number of spaces. |
T |
Marks the top of a loop. The loop is terminated by the L element. The elements between T and L are executed three times. |
U |
Moves the cursor up one line. |
Xr |
Converts the hex value r (x"00" to x"FF") into its equivalent ASCII character. The value r can be a direct or indirect reference to a buffer or select register that contains the hex value. |
The T command must be followed by a single space and a comma must separate each element. Create continuation lines (which do not start with a T) by ending the preceding line with a comma.
Terminal independent cursor control is available using the same table of negative numbers as used by the jBC @ command. See the jBC @ command for more details.
Commands |
Terminal Output |
MV %1 "99" |
T C, "%1 = ",%1 |
clear screen |
%1 = 99 |
Commands |
Terminal Output |
T "Enter Password :",+ |
IP %3 |
Enter Password : _ |
Command |
Terminal Output |
T *=6 |
====== |
Commands |
Terminal Output |
MV %1 "9873" |
T "DATE:",S2,%1:D2: |
DATE: 11 JAN 95 |
Command |
Terminal Output |
T (0,10),T,(0),"ERROR",B,D,(O),S5,D,L |
ERROR bell (flashing) |
Commands |
Terminal Output |
T X1B,"J",+ |
erase to end of screen |
T I27,I74,+ |
erase to end of screen |
T (-3),+ |
erase to end of screen |
Traces jCL
execution and displays each command (source line) before it is executed.
The TR command will help you to test and debug your jCL programs.
TR or TR ON turns the trace on. TR OFF turns the trace off.
You can easily provide a general-purpose trace program by creating a jCL program called TRACE in the file defined by the JEDIFILENAME_MD environment variable . The TRACE program should look like this:
001 PQN
002 TR ON
003 (%1 %2)
Run the TRACE program like this:
TRACE jcl_file jcl_program
If the target program relies on the initial content of the PIB, you will have to insert a line into the program like this:
002 MV %1 %2,*
to move the PIB parameters to their required positions - otherwise the word TRACE will appear in %1 and the jCL program name (normally in %1) will be in %2.
001 PQN
002 TR
003 MV %21 ","," "
004 MV %98 1,A
005 S21
006 U147F
007 T MTS
008 S23
009 U147F
010 D D2
011 T "Today"s date is ", %23
012 T "the time is ",%21
013 TR OFF
will output:
MV %21 ","," "
MV %98 1,A
T "Today"s date is ", %23
Today"s date is 01/01/95
T "the time is ",%21
the time is 19:30:32
Line 2 turns the trace on. Line 13 turns it off.
Execute a "user exit" from a
n represents the user exit entry point
xxx is the id of the user exit.
User exits are user written functions, which are used to manipulate buffers and perform tasks beyond the scope of the standard jCL commands.
See the Time and Date topic and the TR command for more examples of "standard" user exits.
012 U31AD
Returns the current port number.
012 U307A
013 300
Causes the process to "sleep" for 300 seconds.
003 U407A
004 12:0
Causes the process to "sleep" until 12:10.
Halts execution of the program and
returns control to the shell.
text is any text to be displayed on exit.
+ suppress a NEWLINE at exit or after text output.
The X command returns control directly to the shell.
XCannot Open
SALES file!
The X command stops execution of the program if the file SALES cannot be opened, and displays a suitable message.
The two shell commands associated with jCL which permit list handlings are the PQ-SELECT and PQ-RESELECT commands. See the chapter on List Processing for more information on lists.
Executed from a jCL program, resets the pointer of a specified select register to the beginning of the list of record keys.
PQ-RESELECT register-number
register-number is the number (1 TO 5) of the select register to be reset.
This command is executed from the primary output buffer to reset the pointer of a specified select register back to the beginning of the list.
Each time you use the "!" reference to retrieve a value from the list, the value is not destroyed. The pointer is simply advanced to the next parameter in the list. PQ-RESELECT resets the pointer back to the beginning of the list so that you can perform another pass.
You cannot execute PQ-RESELECT directly from the shell.
MV %1 !1
IF # %1 XNo records selected
10 MV %1 !1
IF # %1 XFinished
Executed from a jCL program, loads a list of keys into a select register.
PQ-SELECT register-number
register-number is the number of the select register (1 to 5) in which the keys are to be placed.
To use PQ-SELECT you must first construct a list by using one of the list processing commands such as SELECT, SSELECT , QSELECT, BSELECT, GET-LIST, FORM-LIST, SEARCH or ESEARCH. Put the PQ-SELECT command in the stack so that it will be processed as part of the external job stream when the required list is active.
Retrieve the list elements one at a time, using a "!n" direct or an indirect reference.
You cannot execute PQ-SELECT directly from the shell.
001 PQN
003 STON
005 P
006 10 MV %1 !1
007 IF # %1 X Done
008 T %1
009 GO
This example selects all the records in the SALES file, loads the record-list into select register 1 and displays the keys one at a time.
The first line of a jCL program defines the program as one of two basic types, a PQ or a PQN style program.
Wherever possible, you should use the PQN style.
There are several differences between the two styles, as outlined in the following topics.
PQ-style programs usually use a blank as the delimiter between parameters in the buffers. PQN-style programs usually use a field mark.
PQN allows parameters to be null or contain blanks and more closely mirrors the native record structure.
PQ commands are still supported for compatibility but you should use the functionally superior PQN commands in new or revised jCL programs.
When pointers are moved, PQ commands will generally leave the pointer at the first character of a parameter. PQN commands will generally leave the pointer at a field mark.
Commands affected by this difference are A, B, BO, F, H, IH and IP.
Buffer referencing, file buffers and select registers are only available with PQN commands.
These commands are only used in PQN-style jCL programs:
, L, MVD
, FB, MS,
, IBH, MV,
These commands are functionally equivalent in both PQ and PQN-style programs:
( ), G, IF E, RSUB, U
[], GO
+, GO F, M, S,