Writes the contents of a file buffer as a record.
F-WRITE file-buffer
F-W file-buffer
file-buffer is the number (1 to 9) of the file buffer with which the target file is associated.
The key of the record is contained in field zero of the file buffer. If this field is null, the record will not be written.
F-WRITE will not alter the contents of the file buffer.
You should not normally attempt to write a record unless you have first locked it with an F-UREAD command. The lock will be released when the F-WRITE is complete.
If the file has not been opened (see the F-OPEN command), the program will terminate with an error message.
001 PQN
003 X ERROR: Can"t find the Sales File!
004 T C, (5, 10), "Welcome to...",+
016 F-F 1 \ G 1002
017 T "Record ABC found"
018 MV &1.2 "Field 2"
019 F-WRITE 1
Line 15 reads and locks record ABC in file SALES. If the record does not exist, the lock is released on line 16 and control is transferred to label 1002. If the record is read successfully, field 2 is overwritten on line 18. The record is then written back to the file on line 19 and unlocked.