
The jrf utility provides automated facilities to resize and convert from one Hash file type to another. In order to resize the file enough disk space must be available to create a second temporary version of the file, as the resize process creates a temporary file and then copies the data from the original file to the temporary file. Once copied then the temporary file is renamed to the original file.

jrf {-options} {DICT} filename {,...}

Option Explanation
H1 force to HASH1 file type
H2 force to HASH2 file type
H3 force to HASH3 file type
H4 force to HASH4 file type
C only the restore specification will be set, so that the file is resized automatically when the file is restored. To resize files to a lower modulo requires that the 'D' option also be invoked along with the 'C' option.
D allow downsize of file
E resize empty files
I ignore empty files
L Do not transaction log the temporary file created during process
Mn allow the hash method to be overridden when resizing the file. In normal operation the default hash method for the file should be used, however the -M option allows experimentation with different hash methods, which may have a small benefit dependent upon the nature of the record key, 'n' specifies the hash method, 1,2,3,4 or 5.
R reporting only (do not actually resize). Displays suggested resize parameters
V verbose mode
V1 very verbose mode
Sn size to parameter, where n is modulo
h or ? displays syntax and options


The temporary file used during the resize operation is created in the directory that the jrf command is run from. A file cannot be resized via Q-pointer, F-pointer or JEDIFILEPATH access. You must cd to the directory where the file exists, or specify an absolute path to the file.

If it becomes necessary to resize a file specified by the JEDIFILENAME_MD environment variable then you must unset JEDIFILENAME_MD prior to resizing. The same holds true for the JEDIFILENAME_SYSTEM environment variable.

See also the jchmod command.

WARNING: The jrf utility should ONLY be executed when users are NOT connected to the database otherwise data loss can occur. In other words, the file should not be opened by another process.
