Supported User Exits

Man Page Index

U3060 Encrypt a string.

U307A Sleep

U407A Sleep


U60BB Return user name

U10E0 Return command line options

U20E0 Return command line options delimited with AM

U30E0 Is there an active select list ?



U0016 Return the program stack as a space-delimited string

U31A4 Pad/Truncate to requested length or remove trailing spaces

U01A6 Provide Proc 'T{ERM}' statement functionality.

U01A9 Remove Spaces

U11A9 Called with "U11A9?," Extract specific character.

U21A9 Remove non ASCII Characters.

U31A9 Called with "U31A9/st" Exchange char s for char t

U51AA Reverse String

U31AC Remove duplicate consecutive characters.

U01AD Equivalent of READV (in Basic) for Procs.

U11AD Read next multivalue from attribute 2 of requested item in 'nnP' file and increment multivalue pointer.

U21AD As above but don't increment multivalue pointer.

U31AD Return port number suffixed with 'P', ('nnP').

U02D5 Sorts and manipulations of lists

U12D5 Sorts and manipulations of lists

U22D5 Sorts and manipulations of lists

U32D5 Sorts and manipulations of lists

U42D5 Sorts and manipulations of lists

U52D5 Sorts and manipulations of lists

U82D5 Sorts and manipulations of lists

U12DF Remove non ASCII Characters.

U02E7 Remove non-printable characters.

U030C Bit test function

U130C Bit test function

U230C Bit test function

U330C Bit test function

U430C Bit test function

U530C Bit test function

U630C Bit test function

U1319 Conversion between bit strings & Numerics

U2319 Conversion between bit strings & Numerics

U047F Pack leading 0 in a field of n chars

U147F Date or Time formatting.

U247F Return port number and user name



U847F Last error number from statement executed in Proc.

U0DBF Encrypt a string.

U0FF0 Convert raw unix Coordinated Universal Time into local internal format time.

U0FF1 Convert raw unix Coordinated Universal Time into local internal format date.

User Exits