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LOGTOSwitches to the specified user account. LOGTO account-name Where account-name is the pseudo account (defined in the SYSTEM File) or, under Unix, the user account to switch to. NOTESExecution of this command changes environmental variables differently depending upon the type of account (pseudo or real) and the OS being used, as shown in the table below:
For use under Windows, the user must have a valid SYSTEM File entry defined for the command to work. In addition, this command does not work when it is run from "cmd.exe". This command does not directly support any options. However, it is possible to specify options specific to the new account's environment via the SYSTEM File entry. This command cannot be used in the command stream for PH-START. This command cannot be used in the Primary input buffer of a jCL command. ExampleLOGTO homer Logs off the current account and into the account "homer". ACC |