jQL Introduction
Overview Overview of jQL
Defaults Defaults used by jQL
Conversion Processing Conversion codes supported by jQL
Subroutines Calling subroutines from jQL
File Definitions Discussion of file definition records.
I-TYPES Discussion of I-TYPE file definition records.


jQL Commands
BSELECT Creates a select list based on output specifications.
COUNT Counts records.
EDELETE Deletes selected records from a file.
ESEARCH Searches records for specified strings.
I-DUMP Outputs the entire contents of items.
LIST Generates a formatted report of records and fields from a specified file.
LIST-ITEM Outputs the contents of items.
LIST-LABEL Outputs data in a format suitable for producing labels.
LISTDICT Generates a report of data definition records.
REFORMAT Generates a formatted report of records and fields to a file or tape.
SELECT Generates a list of record keys or specified fields based on the criteria specified.
SORT Generates a sorted formatted report of records and fields from a specified file.
SORT-LABEL Outputs data in a format suitable for producing labels.
SREFORMAT Generates a sorted formatted report of records and fields to a file or tape.
SSELECT Generates an sorted list of record keys or fields based on the criteria specified.

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